Smooth Solar Watch Adeptus Custodes Army by Castle Brush EU

Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush featue rCheck out this amazing Adeptus Custodes army hailing from the Solar Watch brought to us by the hobby minds at Castle Brush EU.

The artistic team at Castle Brush is pumping out some amazing-looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. This level of painting is extremely crisp and it lets you get an entire army on the field quickly. Sometimes we just don’t have time to paint, let Castle Brush do it for you! If you love what Castle Brush is doing, check out some of their other stuff here.

Today, we’re going to let them walk you through this wild project. That way you can hear from them how much work went into it.

Adeptus Custodes Army:

Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush 12Hi all! In this commission, we were asked to paint an entire force of Adeptus Custodes, but in cream-white colors (with one exception) of Solar Watch. Force consisted of:

  • 3 squads of Custodian Guards, painted at ‘Champion’ quality; equipped:
  • 3x Storm Shield/Sentinel Blade;
  • 1x Storm Shield/Sentinel Blade, 2x Guardian Spear/Misericordia;
  • 1x Storm Shield/Sentinel Blade, 2x Guardian Spear/Misericordia;
  • 4x Custodian Wardens, Shadowkeepers scheme, painted at ‘Champion’ quality – 4x Castellan Axe/Misericordia;
  • Vexilus Praetor – ‘Champion’ quality;
  • 4x Vertus Praetors & Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike – ‘Champion’ quality;
  • 8x Allarus Custodians – ‘Overlord’ quality;
  • Trajann Valoris – ‘Overlord’ quality;
  • Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought – ‘Champion’ quality;
  • Caladius Grav-Tank – ‘Champion’ quality

The Dread & Custodian Guards

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Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush 4We had to aim at preparing as dynamic poses as the kits allowed. With one awesome example being the Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought (and the opposite being Trajann), where we were asked to go crazy – hence the mid-jump pose! Custodian Guards were also a nice surprise. The whole kit provides enough variety to make the poses dynamic without adjusting the miniatures too much.

Vexilus Praetor & Allarus

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Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush


Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush 3Vexilus Praetor is a minor conversion – we were asked to use the Shield-Captain’s cloak, and did a bit of sculpting to properly blend the cloak with his shoulder pad.

Shadow Keepers & Bikes

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Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush 9Shadowkeepers Custodians were a nice break from the Cream/Gold/Red overall, providing a nice contrast and a bit of variety to the whole force – and we can’t wait to paint next Custodes in this scheme!

Caladius Grav-Tank & Trajann

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Adeptus Custodes Castle Brush 11The whole commission is based upon amazing Micro Art Studio ‘Ancient’ bases, with the scheme precisely provided by the client. In one case (Caladius Grav-Tank), we had to recreate a similar base, since back then the biggest base available was 120x92mm.

Overall, this was a great pleasure to work upon Emperor’s Legion, and we’re looking forward to making some more Custodes!

That does it today for this awesome project. If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

Start your Next Project with Castle Brush!