Sons of Behemat & Necrons Wave 2 Pricing CONFIRMED!

new-releases-gargant-necronsDon’t miss the confirmed lineup and pricing for the Sons of Behemat release and more Necrons coming for the 2nd week of October!

Multiple retailers have already confirmed the prices and lineup of the wave two of the Necrons and the Sons of Behemat pre-order. They also sprinkled in a couple of other AoS minis in here as well. Start saving up those hobby dollars because there are a lot of exciting kits just around the corner.

If you’re not up to speed there are 4 new releases on the way for the Sons of Behemat, and 11 for the Necrons (total that we know of). We break them all down in the linked articles below:

Going on pre-order this week, however, there will be only 3 releases for the Necrons. The Sons of Behemat may be a bit more than you were expecting, but judge for yourself! Here’s what’s in line and what we know about them so far.


Mega-Gargant $195

Just to note, you can build any of the 3 variants with this one kit. Below is the Warstomper Variant.

warstomper gargant

This box can make any one of three distinct types of Mega-Gargant, like the mighty Warstomper, above. 

Looks like no matter how many of these HUGE new models you want, you’ll only need the same kit regardless. They tower over the other giant kits, but at $195 for one model, it’s hard to pull the trigger on!

This is Warhammer’s biggest plastic monster yet… it towers over a regular gargant and easily stares Archaon and his three-headed mount in their many faces. It’s festooned with details that mark it as a creature of the Mortal Realms, including trinkets from across the various factions and bits of monster – presumably to snack on after battle.

Mancrusher Gargant $125

mancrusher gargantYou’ll also be able to fill out your super-sized ‘rank-and-file’ with some Mancrusher Gargants, now available in sets of two. 

You’ll need a battleline in the army, and for an army of giants, even your troops are going to be huge. These are the old kits, but now they seem so small next to the new Mega-Gargants. They bundled them into a two-set deal, but no new sprues for them.

Sons of Behemat Battletome $40.00

Sons of behemat battletome collectors

In typical fashion, you can pick up a special Collectors edition to show off your interest in this brand new faction. But you can also just go with the regular version if you want.

sons of behemat battletomesGargant culture is more complex than you might have thought, and it’s all spelled out in Battletome: Sons of Behemat. This book is essential for any Warhammer Age of Sigmar general, since every single faction can now include Mega-Gargant mercenaries. 

Sons of Behemat Warscroll Cards $15.00

Sons of behemat warscroll cardsYou Might not expect there to be much in terms of Warscroll cards, after all, there are only 4 models, right? Well no, there’s actually named variants of the Mega-Gargants. We have seen three so far and there may potentially be more!

Kharadron Endrinmaster $35.00

Kharadron Aether War characterThis guy was actually released back in the Aether war box but it’s finally his time to be released separately.

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch $35.00

tzeentch Aether War characterSimilarly to the Endrinmaster this Magister was also in the Aether War box and know will be coming out separately.

9th warhammer 40k banner

Necron Warriors $45.00necron warrior box

The Necron Warriors from Indomitus will be coming out separately this week. If you’ve been waiting to fill out your troops for Necrons this is for you. Best of all, they are push-fit with both weapon options.

Skorpekh Destroyers $55.00

Skorpekh Destroyer boxJust like the Warriors, the Skorpekh Destroyers from Indomitus are also hitting shelves as a separate release. If you want some close combat power, these are worth a look!

Hexmark Destroyer $35.00

Hexmark DestroyersSpeaking of Destroyers, the deadliest duellists in the 41st Millennium are about to make their presence felt. Hexmark Destroyers wield no fewer than six devastating enmitic disintegrator pistols, and their mechanical accuracy will leave their enemies with nowhere to hide.

So there’s Games Workshop week 2 pre-order lineup for October 2020, with confirmed pricing.

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Back In Stock For a Limited Time!

Now that we have the Sons of Behemat pricing, will you be ordering them? Are you going to run huge swathes of Warriors? Or spice up the army with all the cool new toys?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!