Space Marine Caber Toss: Conversion Corner

Space Marine Caber TossThe Space Marines spend the majority of their lives fighting, but if they get any downtime they compete for greatness in crazy sports!

Check out one amazing model brought to us by Barbarian Painting on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

I held off posting these for awhile, until the pictures went out through the
Toss Yer Cabers page, but I am very excited to finally share the pictures of the finished Caber Tosser model.
This was a blast to paint, and I did my best to produce a faithful reproduction of the logo, although I am never painting tartan again! I particularly liked building the base out of the resin gates from the casting.
Huge thanks to Ramshackle Games for doing the sculpting, and if anyone would like to buy one then please send me a PM.
All funds raised go to support the Lookout Society here in BC, an organization that works with the homeless population.

Space Marine Caber Toss

This guy is celebrating the fact that he just won a battle with a traditional caber toss.

Space Marine Caber Toss

When you do a caber toss in the 40k universe it needs to be super heavy, so they use stone columns.

Space Marine Caber Toss

“I will toss this the furthest!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!