Convert Your Own Jump Intercessors & Captain 40k: Magnetize Tutorial

build-and-magnetize-space-marines-jump-intercessors-captain-priamrisDon’t miss how to convert and magnetize the Warhammer 40k Space Marine Jump Intercessors and Captain models!

Rob is back unboxing the newest release for Warhammer 40k. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show the potential magnetizing options, compare the models’ size, and tell you how to convert your own Jump Intercessors.

He also shows the comparisons between the Assault Intercessors and how you can use3d printed and resin bits to make your own. 

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and, of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s get into it! 

Space Marine Jump Intercessors & Captain Warhammer 40k:

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Jump Pack Intercessors sprues 3

We’ll start by comparing the Assault Intercessors and Jump Pack Space Marines and where you can find bits to get yours.

Converting Space Marine Primaris Jump Intercessors

Space Marine Jump IntercessorsIf you’ve looked into these new models, you’ve probably seen that they look like Assault Intercessors with jump packs on. The good news is that if you already have Assault Intercessors hanging around that you’re not using, you can save a ton of cash by just buying some bits online and converting jump versions!

As you can see, tons of companies have already made the bits to fit on your Intercessors to make jump versions!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 2You can even find tons of options on Etsy. This is way cheaper, as you only get 5 Jump Pack models for $60, but 10 Assault models for $60, and you can get the jump packs for about $20-30.

So, just right off the bat, you’re saving $30. However, if you already have assault intercessors hanging around, you can save all kinds of money by just getting the packs and converting your own! You can check out all the alternatives here!

Design Comparison

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 3As you can see, they are pretty similar, and they even come with the same number of sprues. Rob doesn’t really buy into the conspiracy that GW is just doing this to take your money. Don’t let the people out there hating on everything ruin your hobby fun!

If you want them, spend the money or use the workaround to save some cash!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors & Captain Warhammer 40k Unboxing: Sprues Instructions

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 4The bits look really detailed, but the weapons are a little more attached than other sprues, which makes building them more manageable. One nice thing about these sprues is the bits all have numbers on them on the inside of each model; that way, you know what bits go to what model.

This is good, especially considering the instructions aren’t the best unfortunately.

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 5Overall, these look pretty easy to build; they have some special weapon options, but should only take a few minutes to build.

Space Marine Jump Captain

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 6If you don’t want to spend a ton of cash but pick up one model, Rob would go with this model! It really looks cool, has a bunch of options, and once you magnetize it, the poses are quite different from one another!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 7He goes together very similarly to the Jump Intercessors, but he has more options for arms. The main thing to remember is just put the cape on before the backpack!

Now, let’s see how to magnetize them!

Magnetization Tools

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 8The first thing you need is a little thumbtack to poke a hole where you want to drill and make a super easy pilot hole! Then, Rob has been loving the Wowstick Drill.

This just lets you get super easy magnet holes without having to hand-crank everything. It’s not cheap per se, but it does save you time. Obviously, you can use cheaper hand-sized pin vices; it’s just up to how much you want to do by hand.

BSI glue and accelerator quickset

Lastly, you’ll need some super glue and some quickset.

For magnets, we get everything from the Magnet Baron, and you can use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors & Captain Warhammer 40k: Magnetizing

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 9First, you poke in your pilot hole with the thumbtack, and then you start drilling. Rob is using the Wowstick to start the process and then comes back with the pin vice to make the hole perfectly 1/8″ for the magnet in a second.

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 10

Then, test fit your magnet stack (1/8″ x 1/16″), dribble out some accelerator on the magnets, and throw some glue in the hole, and you’re good to go!

magnetizing flush

Three more tips here: be sure to use the accelerant to get the glue to dry faster, and use a magnet stack when doing this. Trying to put one magnet in at a time is hard. This also helps you line everything up with the magnet gap flush with the top of the shoulder socket.

Then, grab your second part and do the same thing; just be sure to save some space for your glue.

The magnet stack also helps with polarization, as all you have to do is flip the stack from the body part, and boom, you have the correct polarization.

Built Miniatures

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 11The Captain looks great when all built up, and magnetizing really only took a few minutes! Now you’ll have the body and a little stack of weapons.

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 12The only other issue is you only get one set of shoulder pads. But instead of worrying about magnets, just put some blue-tac in the shoulder pad, and it will hold them on quite well, so you put on the weapons of your choice, then throw the shoulder pad on.

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 13Now, you have your model future-proofed, and again, it looks really great!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 14The Jump Intercessors also look good, and while they are crazy dynamic, you don’t have to worry about flight stands!

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 15When compared to a model with alternative bits, it looks pretty similar and is almost the exact same size. The only real difference is the Jump Intercessors are up on rocks, but you could always find a way to do that.

There are some excellent, suitable alternatives out there for bits, but if you want the dedicated minis, they do look good too!

Final Thoughts

Space Marine Jump Intercessors 16Overall, the Captain seems worth a pickup, and there are plenty of workarounds and options for the Jump Intercessors. If any of these model kits have value to you, then pick them up!

Click Here to Get Your Jump Marines!

Will you be picking up the Space Marine Jump Intercessors and new captain models to convert or magnetize after seeing our unboxing and build?

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