Space Marine Rocket Man Suppressor:s LORE

By Tim Roberts | September 7th, 2019 | Categories: 40k Lore, 40k News & Articles, Space Marines

suppressors lore space marines

Today we are taking a look at some high flying Space Marines that carry a cannon. Let’s learn more about the Space Marine Suppressors.

Shadowspear Brought us a plethora of great new Units but few are as cool as these flying Space Marines with a giant autocannon.

Via: Lexicanum


Suppressors are fire support warriors clad in Omnis-Pattern Power Armour, itself a variant of the Gravis Pattern of Mk. X Pattern Armour.


The Omnis Pattern is lighter than the standard Gravis configuration and equipped with Jump PacksGrav-Chutes, and shock-absorbers.


Although they are equipped similarly to Inceptor troops, Suppressors do not strike into battle from low orbit. Instead, they rely on Jump-packs and grav-chute arrays to maneuver into infiltrating positions where their Accelerator Autocannons will tear through heavily armored enemies and light vehicles.

Find Out More About The Suppressor!

About the Author: Tim Roberts