GW Nerfs Drop Pods, & More FAQ’s For Space Marines

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GW just put out some key clarifications for the new Space Marine codex supplements, including a bit of a Drop Pod Nerf. Check out what’s changed.

Warhammer Community just put out FAQs for the Space Marine supplements including Ultramarines and White Scars. We’ll be going over the highlights but be sure to take a deeper peek yourself to get caught up on everything.

Drop Pod Nerfdrop pod - Copy


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You might have seen that Drop Pods can now come in during the player’s first turn. However, they still get blown up if you haven’t brought them in by the end of the movement in the third turn. RAW in the book they could come in unharmed after turn 3 which was a huge tactical advantage in itself TBH.

Their petals/doors still count as part of the model, however, which will lead to some interesting play in future for sure.

Assassins & Doctrines

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Note that now, if you bring an assassin with the Operative Requisition Sanctioned Strat, you’ll break your Doctrine and the Doctrines for your Chapter won’t turn on even if the assassin dies.

Techmarines Are Even More Dope

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Techmarines still get to throw down all their shots whenever they operate a Thunderfire Cannon. It’s not a huge buff, but any added dice like that can help take down light infantry. Be sure to check out the two awesome strats Thunderfire Cannons got in the new book as well.

No More Snare

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white scars master of snares

The Master of Snares ability was worded in such a way before, that you could kill Airborne units outright (It stopped units with a minimal move characteristic which blew them up). However, now, airborne units can still move freely.

Be sure to read all the changes in the three new FAQs, out now on Warhammer Community.

So with these changes being the main highlights, what do you think about Space Marines now? Are you going to be picking a new White Scars Warlord Trait?

Have you been using assassins in your list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!