Space Marines Stormspeeder: Unboxing & Build

Stormspeeder Feature rThe Space Marines Stormspeeder kit has arrived- check out our unboxing and build where we show how to make all 3 variants from one kit!

We’re back unboxing the new Stormspeeder that just came out! Rob sees what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, shows the size of the model, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

Most importantly, he is also going to show you how to make everything from one kit. That way you get more bang for your hobby buck! We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course how big it is. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Space Marines Stormspeeder: Unboxing & Build

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Stormspeeder boxThis is the evolution of the speeders that have been coming out since the ’80s. Before we get to the unboxing of this, let’s check out what the history of them has looked like!

Speeders Throughout History

Stormspeeder oldThis was the first one Rob built (right) and it was seriously hard to build!

3rd ed speederYou can’t forget about the 3rd. edition Speeder either, as it was near impossible to get together correctly.

Current speederThis is the updated Land Speeder that’s on GW’s webstore today, which is much easier to build, but the Scout Land Speeder Storm was the easiest of them all to build up until now.

Instructions & Sprues

Stormspeeder instructions


Stormspeeder instructions 2GW is continuing to color code the instructions so you know how to make each variant without much trouble. Rob uses Extra-Thin Tamiya Glue because it works better for projects like this than traditional glue.  Overall the instructions look fairly well laid out and not super hard. You just really have to follow the steps, with a few considerations for options here and there…

New flying standGW also gives you the new style flying stem, but not the same one as the one with the Necron Doomscythe. Just looking at the bits Rob is optimistic it won’t be too hard to build.

Stormspeeder sprue


Stormspeeder sprue 2For the weapons themselves, it would be very hard to magnetize the missiles between the two variants. And let’s be honest, if it has a missile launcher, it doesn’t really matter which variant you pick- they’re all missile launchers folks. We can’t be hobby shaming people for such little differences when the rules and meta change so fast these days.

Built Speeder Without Weapons

Stormspeeder without weapons


Stormspeeder without weapons 2Rob built it without the weapons because we’re going to put them all on! You don’t have to glue everything in either until you paint it because it locks in so well. Overall it went together pretty easily other than the flight stand, so we’ll look at some options for that!

Weapon options


MagnetizingYou don’t have to even magnetize the missiles on the sides either because once you put a little dab of glue inside the slot and let it dry without the stems inserted, it will fit pretty snug on there. So that can save you some time, just be sure to not glue it on! You can magnetize it if you want but it works pretty well just like this, and will probably fit even snugger when primed as well!

Size ComparisonIt is almost the exact same size as a Rhino, so that works out perfectly.

Flight StandLastly, if you want to magnetize this to the base, we’ll take a look at a couple of options. First, you can shave the top of the flight stand down and glue a magnet there and one on the bottom of the Speeder.

Or you can get these:

Magnet Baron Flight Stands

Magnet baronThese stands work great, are very sturdy, you get 4 of them, and are super easy to magnetize. So you can get a bunch of stuff to make a very sturdy flight stand that will make it easier to build and transport.

Magnet baron standRob used these for his Custodes and has loved them so far.

Magnet baron stand 2If you want to use these for the larger ships in your army, they also have a bigger size that can support almost anything as well. Lastly, a little shameless plug, if you join our Patreon you get a ton of discounts, including on Magnet Baron stuff.

What do you think of the kit? Do you like that you can make all three without magnets?

Get Your Space Marines Stormspeeder Here!

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.