Primaris Space Wolves: eBay Miniature Rescues Tutorial

By Andrew Schrank | May 14th, 2020 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

ebay rescues space wolfeBay Miniature Rescues is back, and this time he’s tackling a converted Space Wolves Primaris Space Marine from a viewer.

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that takes beat up, damaged minis, and restores them! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and is super fun to watch what they’re able to do with abused and unwanted miniatures.

Primaris Space Wolves: eBay Miniature Rescues Tutorial

Space Wolf: eBay Miniature RescuesFirst, prime the mini black and then do some simple highlights with a grey-blue. Then take Citadel Russ Grey and do a top-down highlight. Using a mixture of the Russ Grey and either white or black you can add variation to the armor to form scratches and similar marks.

Space Wolf: eBay Miniature RescuesCitadel Averland Sunset should be applied to the shoulder pad and Citadel Mephiston Red on the other. Use Scale 75 Arbuckles Brown on all the leather parts, joints, and crest on the chest. Vallejo Metal Color Dark Aluminum should be applied to all of the silver areas. Scale 75 Basic Flesh can then be applied to the skin sections. Citadel Jakero Orange can be used for the hair.

Space Wolf: eBay Miniature RescuesNext, you can take some Citadel Skrag Brown and work it into the yellow shoulder pad to create a transition via wet blending. He then tries his hand at non-metallic metal on the chest with a variety of yellows and whites, but you can feel free to use a gold or another highlight color if you want to keep it simple.

After the chest, you can use Citadel Reikland Fleshshade to shade the face and hair. You can then go back over the shaded face with the original color to highlight it up a bit.

Space Wolf: eBay Miniature RescuesAt this point, you can put the model on your base and add any weathering/base related effects onto the model. Following that, you’ll want to take your handy Black Oil wash and apply it to the edges on the model.

And with that, the model is done!

Watch the full video below, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!