Savings Alert: Kill Team’s 2019 Starter Worth $30 More?

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At $30 more than last year’s, is the new 2019 Warhammer 40k Kill Team set worth it? Check out our break down to see the savings on what’s inside!

Warhammer Community announced a new Kill Team starter box just a little while ago. However, it looks like nothing in the set is actually new. It’s more like a Frankenstein set with different kits mixed into one. They also just increased the prices across the board by about 5% on their individual kits.

Both of these things are not super unheard of from GW, but let’s check out the value of what’s inside.

Space Wolves Vs. Tau Kill Team Starter Set $160

kill team starter

Like we’ve said before, this starter set is featuring kits that we’ve seen before. Fangs of Ulfrich and Advance Team Starpulse are kits that you can buy individually right now on shelves (they are gone off of GW’s site). However, as this box is a starter, it also comes with a playboard and terrain.

This new starter is clocking in at $160 compared to 2018’s $130. With a +$30 price hike, let’s go into what it would cost if you bought everything separately.

  • Fangs of Ulfrich $60
  • Advance Team Starpulse (Tau Fire Warriors Kit) $50
  • Kill Team Core Manual $40
  • Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack (comes in Fangs of Ulfrich Box) $50
  • Ferratonic Incinerator (It’s not the exact kit as there may be some bonus scaffolding. But it’s the closest configuration we’ve seen) $75

  • Third Mechanicus Terrain stack (spotted in the back of the set picture, doesn’t come with any other GW terrain kit) $25?

A note on terrain: it looks like it will be a mix of various Ad Mech kits that don’t specifically fit into what you can buy on GW’s terrain section. With that said, GW also announced that six total frames of terrain are coming in the box.

Total MSRP: $300

Total Savings: $140

Note: If you don’t count the terrain from the Fangs of Ulfrich box (because it comes with it as a bundle), here is the total cost and value:

Total MSRP: $250

Total Savings: $90

While the price went up from 2018’s version, overall, it’s still a good deal. Plus, there is a good chance that this isn’t something that you would all buy on your own. You can always split this with a friend so that you can both get started on your own Kill Teams while saving some money.

How do you feel about the price on the new Kill Team starter? Do you think even with a +$30 price jump it’s still worth it? Have you already found a friend to split this box with? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!