I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has liked us on Facebook over the last two plus years.
I really do appreciate the Spikey Bits love. Recently we got our 1000 “like” on Facebook, and that was really cool. Thanks guys!
I love posting to Spikey Bits’ Facebook, and a lot of times I post up pictures and Work In Progress (WIP) shots over on there first, because its so easy to post and maintain!
I’m not saying that blogger is much harder really- it’s just about instant access! When I got models strewn about my kitchen, and paints all mixed up ready to go, who’s got time to fire up a laptop?
So be sure to keep up with Spikey Bits on there for some early previews of my current projects, tons of gaming pictures, and you may even win something for liking us as well!
And if you don’t like us on there yet, just click here to stay connected!