Speed Painting Necrons: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Necrons Speed PaintingPainting Necrons doesn’t have to be hard; learn how with this fast how-to-paint tutorial from Hellfire Hobbies!

If you’re planning on going with these evil robots, you need to get good at painting silver, and this Necron Painting tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

Let’s see how to do it.

Painting Necrons Miniatures: Hellfire Hobbies Tutorial

Necrons Speed Painting 2He starts off by priming this black (and you want this to be opaque).  Also, he would recommend doing this on a bunch of minis at once, so then you don’t have to wait for the original mini to dry by the time you make your way back to it.

Step 1:

Necrons Speed Painting 3Starting with Gun Metal through the airbrush, spray the whole thing from a top-down angle, trying to leave some of the black underneath. Next up, take Shining Silver and put it onto a sponge to do a quick highlight, nothing crazy, just a few little spots to make your silver interesting.

Step 2:

Necrons Speed Painting 4For all the cables and such, he just uses a quick base coat of Warpstone Glow. That’s the boring green, now onto the glowing bits. Then hits it with Moot Green and highlights that with Flash Gitz Yellow. For the smaller sections, he uses the brush, but for the big middle part, he actually does it with the airbrush. It might be a little too bright, so he goes back with the yellow and tones it down a little more.

Step 3:

Necrons Speed Painting 5For the base, he starts by painting the whole thing black. Then, he drybrushes Doombull Brown all over the base, and highlights that with Skrag Brown with a quick highlight.

Finished Model:

Necrons Speed Painting 6That’s literally it! It’s super fast and gives you a good-looking force ready for the tabletop. Obviously, you can knock out a whole army of these guys in no time, with this fast and easy paint job!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the insights!

That does it for this one! If you want to see more, check out Hellfire Hobbies’ own tutorial by clicking this link here.

Go Follow Hellfire Hobbies Here!

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