Squats & Walkers: March Tablehammer 3D STL Files

March tablehammer 3For amazing tabletop 3D files at a great price, check out what the March Tablehammer Patreon will score you!

Tablehammer is hard at work cranking out excellent STL files for your 3D printers!

Here is the latest on what you can get when you support them on Patreon or MMF Tribes. If you want to see their previous releases, check them out here.

March Tablehammer 3D STL Files:

March tablehammer


March tablehammer 2


March tablehammer 3


March tablehammer 4


March tablehammer 5


March tablehammer 6


March tablehammer 7


March tablehammer 8


March tablehammer 9


March tablehammer 10These are just a few of the great-looking files you can get every month for your Patreon or Tribes support for Table Hammer.

Make sure you visit their Patreon and secure your files for the latest Table Hammer 3d STL files!

  • I always said it’s a rumor that dwarves are short!
  • „Exo Dwarves“ are finally storming in for our march release.
  • Print these with or without the cap (or even transparent if you go the extra mile!) 🔥
  • These will also have double-handed gear options.

Tablehammer Patreon Welcome Pack

Tabble Hammer Welcome PAck

Hello everyone! I am Josef, some of you might have seen my previous Kickstarter “Harvest IV” or “Necroyd Tomb Lords” including 3D-printable .STL-files, miniatures, terrain, and more for tabletop wargaming and roleplay games. I am a big fan of grim dark future, mechs, robots, droids, and steampunk stuff – but the future also might bring high fantasy and history stuff. 

Tabble Hammer Patreon 2What you get:

At the end of each month, I will release a pack of STL files for you to download, print, and paint! The content of each pack will vary.

All files are pre-supported and ready to print.

Table Hammer Patreon 2

Get your “Federation of Tyr”-kit as a welcome bonus for joining the Patreon now! ☠

Tablehammer Tribes Welcome Pack:

Tabble Hammer Welcome PAck

Our permanent welcome pack contains a core unit + a leader for the most prominent “GRIM SPACE OPERA” factions! Start off with a massive amount of models as soon as you join.

Click Here To Get Your Files From Tablehammer!

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