Star Wars X-wing Tactica- Howlrunner list

Welcome one and all once again to another riveting tale into the world of Star Wars: X-wing and Kaiju Space Works!

Or something…Regardless today I’ll be bringing you another little list that has a major Regional Victory under its belt. An Imperial list this time around made by Fellow FTW Game goer, Chuck…Something! Didn’t get his last name! Again, Regardless, lets take a look at this list that helped him take away that much sought after blue trophy.

A semi horde list, Howl Runner leads the pack with two Academy Pilots and three Alpha Squadron Pilots. Three Tie Fighters and Three Interceptors. Sounds bout right. Howl Runner also entering the fray with a Stealth Device to give that extra layer of protection, and Determination to prevent any of those nasty pilot crits that could remove his utility. All in all a pretty nasty set up.

 Having helped test played this list (or a version of it, not to sure) I can say its pretty effective. Howl Runner’s ability alone is always worth its points, and for only 18 points, its points well spent. The three Interceptors are there for exactly what you think, massive damage output. And the two Academy Pilots, well, points be points and 100 fills quick sometimes.

Granted, again having played this, those academy goons seem to be stronger for Chuck as one who we deemed ‘Window Licker’ and other horribly offensive terms always ends up ruining movement, but when he fires always gets 2 hits, one being a crit at least. Luck is fun like that.

But as you can assume this list just keeps in a tight formation and focuses down a single target, or two if the first dies with a bombardment of fire that is rerollable. Then using the Tie’s higher agility to survive any return fire. Defeating this list is a little easier said then done as it can tear apart most other things. But first and most obvious you need to end Howl Runner’s existence from the board. Most of the damage is avoidable if he and his reroll ability is gone. But with him being a Tie and Stealth Device, doing so isn’t always simple. Assuming Stealth Device doesn’t crap out, but more on that at a later date. The harder alternative is forcing this list to break its formation by splitting up. Again, easier said then done, but if you can get ships away from Howl Runner or the formation, you can stop a lot of the focus fire and allow you to pick off the break aways.

To date though this list has changed a few times. Stealth Device has been removed and a few of the other ships are changed around. Chuck has been constantly testing different versions of this list to take to the finals or masters or whatever that bigger Tournament where all the Regional winners will be. But I also know this list will change again once the next set of ships are out. Either or, I wish Chuck luck in the future Tourney.

Hope this helped you and thanks for reading.  -Super Kaiju

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About the Author: Super Kaiju