STL Files from Gamemat EU for Minis & Terrain

Gamemat EU Feature rYou can now grab STL files from Gamemat EU! They have just started the project up but they have some amazing stuff already.

Gamemat EU is generally known for its awesome mats and terrain, but they are expanding into other products. To start they are coming out with some really cool hive scum files as well as terrain. If you play Necromunda, or just want some cool minis, this is perfect for you.

If you need a game mat, you can check out their stuff for that here, but today let’s focus on the new files. Each one is super detailed and they all have a really fun flavor to them. Let’s jump into it.

Hive Scum set 3D File: $29.90

Hive ScumEach file in this set looks amazing and really has so much flavor to it. The denizens of the Underhive are vast and this represents a fun portion of the population that is generally under repped.

STL from Gamemat EUThe files can be used in a ton of different game systems, even if you don’t use them in 40k or Necromunda, they would be perfect for a sci-fi RPG.

STL from Gamemat EU 2This one’s a little gruesome, but hey injuries are bound to happen in battle. For this guy’s sake let’s hope a medic, or maybe a Techpriest is nearby. Who wouldn’t want a bionic leg?

Large Tank 3D File: $4.90

Large Tank STL FilesIt can’t hurt to have extra tanks on the battlefield! And once you grab the file, you can just print out as many of these as you need.

Container 3D file: $4.90

Container STL filesThese make the battlefields so much more dynamic, and once you grab the files, you can litter the battlefield with them!

That does it for this one! Just some really fun files to make your games that much more interesting.

Get Your STL Files from Gamemat EU Here!

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