Superguard: Primaris Astra Militarum Are A Terrible Idea

tempestus 1 guard astra hor warOkay, we get Primaris Space Marines, but primaris Astra Militarum may be a Warhammer 40k bridge too far. Here’s why this may be a bad idea…

Recently another content creator published an article experimenting with the thought of Primaris Guard. Essentially, they covered the topic of super-Guardsmen. Which, at some point or another, we’ve all thought about a Primaris-this or a Primaris-that.  It’s always good to brainstorm about what we’d like to see in the hobby. But occasionally, there are some ideas that might be too far out of the realm of possibility. This looks like a hilarious joke…

Primaris Guard Highlights

tempestus guard imperial astra militarum

In the article, they made a point to bring the lore into play. Logically, this only makes sense because GW would have to explain how the Primaris Imperial Guard got here. Basically, the normal human would cross a mini-Rubicon Primaris making them a genetically enhanced “Primaris Guardsman”. But what are normal Space Marines?- genetically enhanced humans.

Diving into the breakdown of how these units would play on the tabletop, they went into the possible statline. Now, being that they’re genetically enhanced means that they’d probably have some better stats, right?

Overall I think you would see the strength and toughness of the human both be improved by 1. We also know that Cawl uses a lot of subliminal training to get the Primaris up to speed quickly, using his techniques, and the advanced reflexes granted them by the Primaris project. I also bet the weapon skill and ballistic skill of the Primaris Humans would be improved by one.

Since he’d want the best for his new troops, I assume he would start with the already decent carapace armor. Improving it from there would likely get us to a 3+ save pretty easy.

These 5 New Space Marine Characters Need A Home!

primaris character giveaway walIt’s the Space Marine giveaway you’ve been waiting for! Win these 5 assembled (but unpainted) models from our videos. They are semi-famous! Read More

The Space Marine Copy Pasta .exe

girl space marine

Now, we’re moving from a S3, T3, WS/BS 4+ body into a S4, T4, WS/BS 3+ body with a 3+ armor save thanks to their ability to lug around heavier equipment! Starting to sound a lot like the normal single-wound Marine right? 

single wound marine

You’re exactly right. This would be a literal copy/paste into the Marine statline.

single wound marine 2

Their lasgun would be “boosted” to a Rapid Fire 1 S4 profile. Would GW ever re-skin old Marines from Imperial Guard?

First of all, not only does this “what if” idea turn the Guardsman into a currently-being-phased-out unit of Space Marines. But it would also completely change the idea behind Guard. That idea being Spam the board with cheap, nearly worthless lives of the Imperium and drown the enemy in firepower. As units become better on the statline scale, they become more expensive points-wise. When they become more expensive, you’re no longer able to bring as many bodies or as much firepower which Guard is notoriously known for.

All in all, we’ve seen GW do some pretty crazy stuff in the past but would they ever go this far? What are your thoughts on Primaris Guardsmen?

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2019 40k Christmas Battleforce Bundles Values & Savings

2019-40k-battleforces ChristmasDon’t miss all the new values on the six Warhammer 40k holiday Battleforces that Games Workshop previewed for the Christmas sales season. Read More