Tablescapes Kickstarter 100% Funded!

By Ross | April 26th, 2013 | Categories: Kickstarter, SWM, Warhammer 40k News

You people are AMAZING! We have hit our initial funding goal – and thus the “Scrap Yard” tile release – in the first 30 hours of the Kickstarter.

We have tons of time left to unlock the additional themes, and I’m already lining up some shiny new mini-goal options.

I am also happy to announce that I will have previews for the official “Secret Weapon – Tablescapes” bag from Battle Foam — available here as an add-on as soon as we finalize the details.

As soon as the “Scrap Yard” tile renders are finalized we’ll have them off to the factory and start the milling process — and I’ll have previews for the “Urban Streets” set up ASAP to help keep the momentum going.

Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!