Tactical Reinforcements: Ultramarine Armies on Parade

By Joshua Dunkerly | February 15th, 2019 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k News

guilliman atc wall hor A New Type of 40k: Making The Game Great Again

When a Space Marine needs back up they either call in more of their chapter or just send out a general distress call!

Come see one amazing army brought to us by those hobby maniacs at American Team Championships 2018.

Ultramarine Army


Ultramarine Army


Ultramarine Army


Ultramarine Army


Ultramarine Army


Ultramarine Army

“Fly in the backup!”

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT