T’au Empire Chapter Approved Rules SPOTTED

By James Rodriguez | November 29th, 2017 | Categories: Tau, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

tau wal horChapter Approved is almost here and this time we’re getting a look at the new rules for the T’au Empire. Come check them out!

Scanner is at it again, and this time we’re getting a look at the new rules for the T’au Empire from the upcoming Chapter Approved book. Let’s take a look.

Tau Chapter Approved

If a T’au Empire Character is your Warlord you’ll be getting access to two different Warlord Traits: Exemplar of the Kauyon and Exemplar of the Mont’ka.

Exemplar of the Kauyon lets your Warlord re-roll failed hit rolls as long as they didn’t move that turn. If they do move they lose that trait until the start of your next turn. Exemplar of the Mont’ka allows your Warlord to move and shoot. That could come in really handy for those times you need to get out of dodge quick, but still want to get a couple extra shots off in the process.

Puretide Engram Neurochip is a relic that can be used once per battle. If you use the relic you’ll be able to re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, or damage roll made for the bearer, or a friendly <SEPT> unit within 6″ of the bearer. Additionally, if your army is Battle-forged and the bearer is on the battlefield, you’ll get to roll a D6 every time your opponent uses a command point, and on a 6 you gain a bonus Command Point.

tau pathfinder team by slipgatecentral hor

Now for their Stratagem which isn’t pictured above.

The T’au Empire is going to be getting Uplinked Markerlight and it’s going to cost 1 CP. You’ll be able to use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has been hit by a markerlight fired by a model from your army. Place D3 + 1 markerlight counters next to that unit instead of only 1.

The T’au are getting some nice additions with the new Warlord Traits, a new Relic, and a new Stratagem. But, it’s not just the T’au that are getting new rules, make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest Chapter approved updates.

What do you think about the new rules for the T’au Empire? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know in the comments below.


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