New Ta’unar & R’varna 8th Rules Datasheets Spotted

By James Rodriguez | June 26th, 2017 | Categories: Tau, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

titan supremecy tau

Today we’re getting a look at new T’au datasheets from the Xenos Imperial Armor book that are now up for pre-order on Warhammer Digital.

The Imperial Armor – Index: Xenos book is now available, and we’re starting to see the datasheets coming in. The latest images were spotted over on Imgur, but let’s take a look at the Ta’unar Supremacy Armour & R’varna Battlesuit.  But first the point values.

Tau Imperial Armour

Tau Imperial Armour

Checkout the rest of the Tau IA rules that were spotted

The XV107 R’varna Battlesuit has 15 wounds and the stats don’t start dropping until you reach 6 remaining wounds. That’s giving you more than half of the total health at full power. The stats at the start of the game are pretty well rounded with an 8″ Movement, WS 5+, BS 4+, Strength 6, Toughness 8, 4 Attacks, Leadership 9, 2+ Save, and 5+ invulnerable. You’re able to increase the invulnerable save to 3+ with the nova shield ability in you movement phase, at the cost of a wound, further increasing it’s defense to incoming enemy attacks. The pulse submunitions cannon has a 60″ Range, Heavy 3D3, Strength 6, AP -2, and does 3 Damage. The other weapon option is the missile pod has a 36″ Range, Assault 2, Strength 7, AP -1, and does D3 Damage. Both of these weapons get a nice little boost with the multi-tracker ability. A model equipped with a multi-tracker can re-roll hit rolls of 1 if it’s firing all of its weapons at the same target.

Tau Imperial Armour

Checkout the rest of the Tau IA rules that were spotted

The KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour has 30 wounds and the stats start dropping at 20 remaining wounds, you don’t see much of a change so it’ll still be really effective. It starts the game with a 16″ Move, WS 4+, BS 2+, Strength/Toughness 8, 5 Attacks, Leadership 9, a 3+ Save, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. It comes with eight weapons to choose from, a lot more than most models in the game. One great ability thought is the Cluster Shells, causing your enemy to roll a dice for each model that ends a charge within 3″ of the Ta’unar, and on a 4+ that unit suffers a mortal wound. Vigilance Defense System lets your reroll Overwatch attack rolls of 1 when firing any of the smart missile systems or burst cannons.


Both of these units are looking like great additions for any Tau Army. Are you going to be fielding either of these models in your list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

In case you haven’t already, make sure you head over and order your Imperial Armor – Index: Xenos.




This book is designed to update the rules for Forge World’s current and recent ranges of models for use with the latest incarnation of the Warhammer 40,000 game. It provides rules for Forge World’s Eldar (Aeldari), Dark Eldar (Drukhari), T’au Empire, Necron, Orks and Tyranids miniatures.

This book and its contents are fully compatible with Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Imperium 2, expanding the datasheets which are found there and contain all the information you need to field your Forge World models from the Eldar/Aeldari,Dark Eldar/Drukhari, T’au Empire, Necron, Orks and Tyranids factions in the new edition of the Warhammer 40,000 game. Also included are both Power Ratings and an appendix for their use in Battle-forged armies.

Contained in the 96-page softback:

– 18 datasheets for using your Eldar/Aeldari miniatures;

– 2 datasheets for using your Dark Eldar/Drukhari miniatures;

– 23 datasheets for using your T’au Empire miniatures;

– 11 datasheets for using your Necron miniatures;

– 13 datasheets for using your Ork miniatures;

– 8 datasheets for using your Tyranids miniatures.

Every model, weapon and piece of wargear has its own points value, and every weapon has a profile.

Please note – you will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Xenos 1 and Warhammer 40,000 – Index: Xenos 2 to make full use of this book and its contents.

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