Terrifying Psychic Nulls: Culexus Assassin Lore

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40kassasun-operative-titleCulexus Assassin lore is all about some of the scariest nulls to ever grace the Galaxy, at least they work for the Imperium!

Maybe your least favorite coworker is a psychic null and that’s why you hate being around them. Probably not but there could be a chance they’re from the Culexus Temple! But enough guessing about your workplace, let’s get out our weirdest helmets and learn about some lore!

The Order

Culexus AssassinTo say people fear the Culexus would be an understatement! It is one of the most feared orders of the Officio Assassinorum, and for good reason. While the other orders are scary in the fact that they can kill you on a whim, this order is something altogether. While the other orders may kill you faster, none make people of the Imperium, or Xenos races, more uncomfortable. Their very nature as nulls turns stomachs and makes them just horrible to be around. Imagine the stinkiest human you’ve ever met mixed with the scariest looking and you may have an idea of the feeling. The Eldar have even gone so far as to call them embodiments of evil.

While the assassins of other temples are chosen for their innate savagery or cunning, the Culexus are chosen for more interesting talents. That of psychic nulls. It doesn’t happen very often, but every once in awhile humans are born with a blank gene. They have absolutely no warp presence in them whatsoever. This not only means they deny all psykers, it means they have no soul at all. Hey, if you don’t have a soul, might as well make other people suffer!

Pariahs of Society

culexusIt’s a sad truth, but a truth none the less, no one can stand these nulls! Well, other than nulls themselves, and who knows, maybe they get a neat dating app none of us get access to! Looking to meet up and sicken the local population? Cool me too…

If normal people can’t stand them, you can imagine what they do to psykers. It’s not pretty, that’s for sure! Because of this they always live on the outskirts of society, much like the lepers of old. Some more backward worlds don’t even let people touch them. No wonder when the temple comes calling, they flock to it. They generally live as far from the hives as possible, but maybe that’s a better life.

Abominations to the Xenos

Imperial AssassinsEven such large constructs as a Tyranid Hive Tyrant can second guess the hive mind when confronted with such a being. They cause unknown terror in every psyker they meet. At least they are still doing the Emperor’s work, even without a soul…

Learn More About Culexus Assassins Here!