Testing Her Mettle: Conversion Corner

Female White ScarWhen you think of the White Scars you probably think of fast-moving men prepared to kill, but this conversion is a little different…

Come see one awesome model brought to us by Vito Varano (IG: trident.and.true.hobbies) on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

I wanted to share with all of you Xiu Ying. Primaris Captain of the White Scars and Captain of Ebon Keshig (my bladeguard veterans). The idea/lore is that she can never rise to the ranks of an actual Astartes. However, through her augmentations she was allowed to bare the black armor of the Ebon Keshig and prove herself among the Ordu of Jaghatai.

Female White Scar

Female White ScarNote: I am fully aware that women can not be space marines. 30 years of lore blah blah blah. Which is why I said she is augmented. Not here to make political statements or ruin “your” immersion. Just trying to convert, paint and share something that I think is cool with the community at large.

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!