The 40k Imperial Guard Models We Need Updated!

catachans - CopyThe Imperial Guard is a 40k fan favorite for over 20 years, but some of the models may need to be updated. Here’s what we’d like to see.

If you want spammable firepower that’s not got any battlesuits and spews lies about “The Greater Good” You’ll probably want to play Guard. There are plenty of regiments to choose from to suit your playstyle. But the models are starting to get some real age on them. Here’s what we’d like to see.

There’s a Scaling Discrepancy Between Guard Factions

catachans and castellan 4


You might not have noticed it yet, but depending on the regiment you play, your models have different scales. Catachans were the first Guard kit to go all-plastic back in the early 2000s. But if you compare them next to a newer kit like their Command Squad models, you’ll see that they’re slightly bigger.

Oddly enough, Scions sit in the same boat despite being a newer kit. The Scions came out only a few years ago, but they also stand a little taller than most other Guard units.

What They Do to One Model, They’ll Have to Do To Others

Cadian weapon team fingerIf GW went through and cleaned up the basic troop unit for the current regiments, then it would only be fair to say that they would also need to rework the heavy weapons teams.

catachan weapon teamIt might seem like a massive undertaking to come out with new troops and weapons team kits. But after that’s done, anything out of the Guard mechanized armor line would fit perfectly. They really don’t need to update any of their tank kits.

GW Might Be in The Process Of Doing All These Things Already

imperial guard walBack in 2018, GW announced that they were dropping the model line for regiments like Valhallans, Vostroyans, Elysians, etc. The models were already outdated and not in plastic anyway. You can still play the Regiment’s rules in 40k. However, the only way to get these models (that have rules in the Guard codex) has been random MTO re-releases of their models now and again.

vostroyan mto 1


MTO Valhallan GuardNow there’s absolutely nothing confirming this idea, but GW COULD have dropped the model line so that they could start reworking their sculpts. We’ve seen this same play done by GW in the past whenever an old character model moves from a regular Astartes to Primaris.

The old ones get moved to “not available to order” and then eventually dropped altogether.


Just look at Mephiston, Marneus, Kayvaan Shrike, etc. (You can’t find their old non-primaris models on GW’s webstore).

There Are Outstanding Alternatives Out There Currently Though…

victoria minis covid 2Victoria Miniatures is paving the way for outstanding Guard alternative models. Especially to regiments where official GW models are almost impossible to find.

victoria minis svargan soldat


victoria minis tannengburg

Plus they have lady versions on all their regiments as well too!

victoria minis victorian guard femaleAt the end of the day, a massive overhaul of infantry kits across all Guard regiments would be a huge project to handle. But with the exceptional way GW introduced Primaris into the tabletop scene, an Imperial Guard remodeling wave doesn’t seem like it would be too big of an undertaking for them at this point.

What do you think the purpose of GW dropping their old regiment models was? Do you use Victorian Miniatures for all your Guard needs? 

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