The 5 Best Changes From the 40k FAQ

new warhammer 40k faq wal horToday A-Dawg takes a look at the 5 Best Changes From the 40k FAQ! Check out what his thoughts are and if agree with him.

There were definitely some surprises in the FAQ, but what was the best? Well, here are 5 that we think will actually make the game better. Check it out!

The 5 Best Changes From the 40k FAQ

The world was taken by surprise with an impromptu FAQ for 40K.  Some updates are minor and just ironing out issues, others will change the game drastically.

In this A-Dawg’s Top Dogs , Austin goes over the most major ones, and how to adapt your game accordingly!

5. Abhor the Witch

Exalted SorcerersThis Secondary was the bane of Grey Knights and Thousand Sons, as playing these codexes practically guaranteed your opponent an easy 15 points.

This is a great update as it allows players to not feel penalized for playing Thousand Sons or Grey Knights ( The only army you should be ashamed of playing are is an unpainted one.  There I said it. – Max.) It is still worth taking when facing these armies even if it’s not a gimme 15.

4. Turn 5 Scoring

dark angels clip artThis is one of the biggest changes to how the game is played. If you’re playing second, you score primary objective points at the end of the game rather than in your command phase on turn 5.

This is a major, major change on going second. Because now you actually get to play your 5th turn. With the old mechanic, there was very little to do on turn five after the command phase, as the bulk of the points was decided.

Good or bad is hard to say, but going second is quite powerful now.

3. Bring it Down

Leman RussMuch like Abhor the Witch, this is a minor fix to a secondary that was either 15 free points or never taken.

Playing Tanks and Monsters now award one point less than before, allowing you a wider range of lists to play without conceding 15 points.

2. While We Stand We Fight

Bladeguard Veteran 3The biggest secondary change, and the most deserved.  This secondary was dominating the game and was scored with no consideration to your opponent’s army or gameplay.  If left unchecked, most competitive army lists would’ve swayed even more around WWSWF.

Now, your most expensive Units are giving you points for living, not Models.

This is big, as it drastically changes the way this secondary is played and with which lists it’s being used. Bringing back a little shine to the Death Star army format.

1.First Turn

death guard space marine heroesWin the Dice Roll, you are now automatically going first.  No more deciding.  This makes deployment a little more intricate and forces more action in the game.

It also rewards armies with access to redeploy, like Craftworlds, Necrons, and Ultramarines, that can capitalize on going first or second and (re)placing units accordingly.

A-Dawg’s Top Dogs is a regular segment in The Mismatched Play, a Weekly Warhammer 40K Talk Show.  Catch it live on Twitch every Tuesday, or watch it on replay on YouTube anytime.

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