The 6th Edition Question: Nova Open 2012

By Rob Baer | February 4th, 2012 | Categories: Grand Tournament, Nova Open 2012, Warhammer 40k News

The NOVA decision at this time is to go forward with 5th Edition “unless GW releases a 6th Edition prior to June.”

Our staff has been studying the question and we find the 6th edition release date (purported to be mid-summer) is based entirely on internet rumors, and a leaked PDF of limited authenticity.

The reasons behind the NOVA Open decision take into consideration many inherent problems that gamers will face with a release so near the convention itself.

For example, our judges must be well-versed on the rules and, though they would double down in preparation, we believe gamer challenges would become overwhelming amid a 256-player, 4-day tournament.

More importantly, we are concerned that few players have the wherewithal to replace or recalibrate entire armies (and then paint new models to matching standards) in such a short time frame.

If a 6th Edition is released before June, the staff will once again come together, review the work, and make a final decision. Please contact us at if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter.

Spaces are not guaranteed: If you played in the 40K GT in 2011, and you hope to play again in 2012, REGISTER TODAY.

And while you are at it, book your rooms at the spectacular Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport for $85 a night, here.

We’ll be at the Nova open in August and have a qualifier coming up here in a few months as well. More details soon! In the mean time go buy tickets!!!!