The 7 Best New Releases For Orktober!

Orktober-New-MinisDon’t miss this one- we’re taking a look at the top new Orktober releases today, so don’t miss out on the festivities and get some minis!

If you haven’t got any of the awesome releases, what have you been doing with your Oct er Orktober? Well, you still have a few days left to join in the fun. Let’s jump into some of the best releases!

Orktober Releases – New Orc Bits From Hardcore Miniatures

Scrappers Orc Boyz Heads feature r

Get your bits here!

It’s that time of the year again! Don’t slack this Orktober and upgrade your boyz with these amazing Orc bits from Hardcore Miniatures!

Kromlech Brought Tons of Minis to the Party!

Kromlech Orktober Feature rGet Your Kromlech Minis Here!

Kromlech is taking Orktober up to eleven with over twenty new releases. Watch out for da Greentide coming your way!

Heretic Swag T-Shirt From Next Level Painting!

Orktober Black Shirt Heretic Swag Feature rGrab Your Heretic Swag Here!

Be festive this year and grab some awesome Orktober Heretic Swag!

The Iron Rider From Artel W

Iron rider Artle W Feature rGrab Your Iron Rider Here!

The Iron Rider From Artel W is a seriously stunning mini ready to take over the Galaxy for Da Greentide in Orktober!

Hardcore Miniatures’ Orkbuster Megaboss

Orkbuster Mgeboss Feature Get Your Orkbuster Here!

If you’ve been looking for some serious Chonk in your Ork army, look no further than the Orkbuster Megaboss from Hardcore Miniatures!

Orc Forge Guard from Creature Caster

Creature Caster OrkGet your Forge Guard Here!

Creature Caster is at it again with some stunning Orktober minis- check out the amazing Forge Guard.

New Mega Robo-Squig from Pop Goes the Monkey!

Mega Robo-Squig FeatureGrab Your Robo-Squig Here!

Pop Goes the Monkey is joining the festivities of Orktober with this amazing new Mega Robo-Squig that’s ready to rampage!

That does it for the round-up! A lot of these are running on special right now as well, so don’t miss out on these amazing minis!

Check out More About the Orktober Releases Here!