The Beginnings of Primarch Lion El’Jonson

dark angels lion walThe Primarch of the Dark Angels, Lion El’Jonson, has been oddly mysterious from the beginning, today we examine his beginnings.

Lion El’Jonson is known as the first, and not surprisingly… also known as the Lion. Get out your favorite Animal Snuggy and let’s learn about this fearless founder.

A Little Lion El’Jonson Gets Flung To The Far Reaches

After being flung into the galaxy by his Papa, Lion eventually came to rest on the world of Caliban. The world was naturally beautiful but also tainted by the foul hands of chaos. Being in such close proximity to the eye of the warp tends to make for issues…

If you think Mowgli had a hard upbringing you’ve never read much about Lion! His capsule was launched deep into the jungles of Caliban, far from any humans. No one knows how he survived those early years; a normal man would have been destroyed in minutes. He survived for ten years all on his lonesome.

Human Encounter

His first encounter with humans on the planet was far from a fairytale. A group of warrior knights found him and immediately prepared to kill the seemingly chaos driven madman. A single knight in the group, Luther, recognized something special in the barbarian and forbade his brothers from killing him. They soon brought him back to their fortress world and gave him his name “Lion El’Jonson”.

Lion ElJonson

On the lonely fortress world, Jonson and Luther became quick friends. When a man saves your life, it’s easy to be his friend after all. They trained the wild Lion in the ways of war and quickly realized he was a genius strategist and more determined than a tidal wave. Luther complimented his skills perfectly and together they rose through the ranks of the Ordo.

Acclaim For The Lion And Luther

They first gained notoriety when they convinced the Order to undertake a massive crusade to rid the world of the great beasts that dwelled in the forest and made them uninhabitable. Well, that was to everyone other than 40k’s version of George of the Jungle, The Lion. Of course, they listened to the great oratory skills of Jonson and let him lead the campaign. Within a single decade, the entire world was free of the great beasts. Such acclaim laid at the feet of Jonson made Luther more Jealous than a scorned partner.


The Emperor Arrives

When big Papa arrived at the world and saw Lion, he knew immediately he had found one of his lost sons. Within hours of arrival Jonson was in charge of a newly formed First Legion. Luther was among the Astartes to pass the trial and become a full-fledged member of the Dark Angles.

Even though some old foggy knights of the Order tried to kill Jonson and the Emperor, they eventually secured their power base on the world. With a new legion of Astartes at their command, none could challenge them. The First Legion didn’t sound fancy enough for the mighty Emperor and he decided to name them the Dark Angles after an old Caliban Myth. Thus, the strange Chapter was truly birthed.

Lion El jonson

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