The Best Warhammer April Fools Jokes From Last Year!

gw comic wal marvel marine hor spaceYou can’t really trust anything at first glance on the internet today- check out the best Warhammer April Fools Jokes from last year before this years’ new ones get you.

2021 was a strange bird, but that hasn’t stopped people from pulling an April Fools joke or just outright being funny (after we pretty much skipped 2020 altogether).

Check out some of the best Warhammer-related ones from back then as a warm-up to the next batch this year…

Vermintide 2: Return to the Reik

Vermintide 2 April FoolsThis is a nice little nod to the ship that recently got stuck in the canal. You must return to the river, get the ship unstuck and stop the Skaven from getting their hands on the precious cargo! Let’s hear a little about what the adventure will hold!

So, looks like I’ve got a job for you in one of your old stomping grounds. Some dozy merchant’s got his ship wedged good and proper between the banks of the River Reik, and there are vital cargo vessels backed up all the way from Marienburg to Nuln. I wouldn’t mind, but there’s a mess of building materials aboard that Rosalinde needs to get this here keep into proper shape for what’s to come.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. What does this have to do with us? Well, renovations aside, I’m trying to get some of the more influential families of the region to support our little escapades – or at least to stop fighting amongst themselves while the Old World burns. Problem is, the van de Kuypers of Marienburg are insisting that this episode is all some plot to stop ‘em getting their marshlander mitts on a long-awaited supply of Nuln Oil. Funny stuff, but folk do swear by it. There’s no such plot, of course. Just the Skaven sowing mischief, as usual … so you can expect plenty of the little buggers to be lurking around the riverbanks, laughing to themselves as they help themselves to stranded cargo. 

Primaris Lieutenant the Movie:

From visionary director Alf Arius (The Serpent’s Kiss) and featuring an all-star cast of cinema giants, Primaris Lieutenant: The Movie tells the story of one Space Marine’s struggle to become the hero that he knew he could be. Beset on all sides by xenos, mutants, and heretics, the Lieutenant must tackle the galaxy’s greatest threats if he hopes to avoid adorning the base of yet another Chaos Lord.

There are great heroes of the Imperium, ancient warriors who keep the billions safe, and then standing next to them is the Primaris Lieutenant. Got to give props to GW for two years of April Fools movies in a row! To see the one from last year, check it out here.

Battle Sounds, New Orruks, Warhammer XXX, and the Peacemongers!

Have you ever wanted to hear the true clamor of the battlefield at home? GW has you covered with the new battle sounds mandatory supplement! The new sound device will bring insane amounts of noise to every battle, and if you can get your sound over 90 decibels, you’ll receive that coveted +1 strength. This one is filled with so many great “previews” that you just have to watch it for yourself because Auspex Tactics kills it with this video.

To Eat the Bad Egg or not?

Eating the bad food

While the text of this particular crisis doesn’t make it clear what foodstuff now litters the ground, we’re going to arbitrarily decide that it’s pre-peeled, hard-boiled eggs. So, brave adventurer, do you wipe off the muck, hold your nose, and hope for the best? After all, the five-second rule applies in Ulfenkarn too, right? Or do you abandon these begrimed eggs and risk having to face Radukar the Wolf’s minions on an empty stomach? That precious egg-energy could mean the difference between life and death in the Cursed City.

Before GW banished Cursed City, then brought it back in 2022, they kept pushing it hard pre-launch.

Ah, the tough questions that face you as you try to take down the Wolf.

Baldcon 2 – The Event of the Year

This video from Baldermort’s Guide to Warhammer really cracked us up and is full of great Warhammer jokes, empty cons, and a new Warhammer trailer that is sure to go to the big screens.

But don’t worry, in true fashion, it’s hidden behind a paywall!

Rick and Morty Babies

While this isn’t Warhammer, it’s pretty great. No longer is Rick and Morty only for adults, as the newest version, coming from the Rick and Morty Twitter, brings the show to all ages.

Did someone get you with an April Fools joke last year- and will you be ready this year for the next attempt? 

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