The Best & Worst 40k Armies in the Meta: August 12th

new-competivie-meta-warhammer-40k-10th-EditionHere are all the top Warhammer 40k armies dominating the meta and placing at the latest big 10th Edition tournaments.

Thanks to Mr. Taste at Blood of kittens, here’s a look at the latest meta from the larger 10th Edition 40k tournaments last weekend!

august 6th bok results

With this, we can see that even with some NERFs, Eldar is still cruising as the most common and most-winning faction in the 10th edition 40k currently!

Pretty much no question there, as they’ve been at the top for more than a few weeks now.

But how about the larger meta picture overall?

Well, has us covered there too compiling the data from Leviathan 1.1 through the July 5th Balance Update!

july 5th meta report

First off, colors. Grey is the sweet spot; ideally, every faction would be light grey, or between a 45% and 55% win rate. Blues are overpowered, meaning Eldar, GSC, and Imperial Knights all need to be taken down a peg.

In contrast, Oranges are underpowered, with Votann and Death Guard needing some very serious help. Essentially the darker shades are too far gone and need some changes or shifts in the Meta. That’s not to say every darker blue and orange faction needs balance changes, but it DOES mean something needs to be done.

If Votann and Death Guard see buffs, maybe they’ll shift the meta and lower the blue factions down into grey, but make them too strong, and they’ll shoot up to blue themselves! Game balance and meta are super complex, with each faction (and general’s ability) being its own cogs in the bigger picture.

We know it’s extremely clear that Eldar is simply too good. Simply put, the most played faction in any competitive game should never be the most winning faction. As the popularity of a faction goes up, the skill, specified knowledge, and experience of the average player in that faction go down (new players moving to it).

At that point, if the faction continues to win, then balance changes are necessary, which it appears to be the case, right now!

With that in mind, you can check out six of the top army lists from events over the weekend below.

Eldar Defend The Battle To End Alzheimers: Top 10th Edition 40k Army Lists

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

battle to end alheimers top 8

3rd Place: Mark Hertel – Death Watch

deathwatch hor wal


Mark Hertel dw 1


Mark Hertel dw 2


Mark Hertel dw 3


Mark Hertel dw 4

2nd Place: Mathew Burgoon – Eldar

ynnari wal hor eldar Ynnari & Slaanesh 40k Release Rumors


Mathew Burgoon eldar 1


Mathew Burgoon eldar 2

1st Place: Ruben Fernandez – Eldar

eldar webway hor wal


Ruben I Fernandez 1

Ruben’s winning Eldar was relatively standard led by the Yncarne and an Autarch for two mobile melee threats, and 2 Farseers for psychic support.

The first non-HQs are 2 Night Spinners for some great mobility and indirect shots.

Ruben I Fernandez 2

Those are followed by 2 Voidweavers, a Vyper, and 2 War Walkers for even more mobility-centric vehicles to run circles around objectives while maintaining shots down the table.

Ruben I Fernandez 3

Back to the ground units, there are two units of Warp Spiders for deep striking and bouncing around as they do. Followed by a single massive Wraithknight for an armored threat that can take a beating and pump out massive shots.

Eldar Win The Leeds Super-Major: Top 3 10th Edition 40k Army Lists

We can look back at the event thanks to Best Coast Pairings as if we were all there ourselves. Save $20 by subscribing for a year of BCP by clicking this special promo link.

leeds super-major top 8

With Eldar being the first three army lists, we’ll cover the first two lists and the highest-placed non-Eldar list this week.

4th Place: Christopher Radford– Deathwatch

deathwatch hor wal


Christopher Radford dw 1


Christopher Radford dw 2


Christopher Radford dw 3


Christopher Radford dw 4

2nd Place: John Swallow – Eldar

Eldar Cover Wal Hor


John Swallow eldar 1


John Swallow eldar 2


John Swallow eldar 3

1st Place: Josh Roberts – Eldar

eldar webway hor wal


Josh Roberts eldar 1

Josh’s Eldar took a super point-dense approach with a list led by the Yncarne and an Autarch for two mobile melee threats, an Avatar of Khaine for an enormous melee threat, and two Farseers for Psychic support.

Josh Roberts eldar 2

For other bodies, there were three units of Shadow Spetres for some cheap bodies and two Wraithknights for huge armored threats and firepower.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about the top 10th Edition Warhammer 40k army lists dominating the meta now?

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