The Big Boys Of The Hive: House Goliath Lore

goliath hor wal necromundaHouse Goliath lore is all about the biggest vat-birthed Underhivers to ever grace Necromunda. They may not be fast, but their muscles make up for it!

Recently we saw how House Escher uses their speed and wit to control the Underhive. Today we look at the house opposed to them in almost every way. Some say they only feud so much only because they share a border. If only it were that simple. They are on opposite ends of the spectrum in nearly every aspect. Where Escher uses speed, skill, and wit, House Goliath uses nothing but brute strength and muscle.

These giant abhumans supply most of the hive by keeping the forges running day and night. Not that you know what time of day it is when you live so deep in an Underhive…  Let’s all get out our dumbells to learn about some of the best, mindless, workers of Necromunda!

Goliath Necomunda

Vat Birthed Monstrosities

If you’re making a perfect worker for a forge, why not make them massive, tough and follow orders perfectly? The members of House Goliath are cultivated much like cattle. The bigger and more meat, the better. Simply put they are made to be gigantic, even somewhat larger than a Space Marine.

Unfortunately making humans so large has it’s downsides. They suffer from serious mental instabilities and live perilously short lives. Basically they are an entire nation of muscle-bound freaks with mental problems who know they are going to die young. Sounds like a great place to live…

Necromunda Art

Place In The Hive

They are one of the six main houses of Necromunda. Unfortunately for them, they have possibly the worst of all domains. They occupy the lowest and harshest portion of all the Underhive, there’s a reason they vat-birth them to be so tough. They take pride in their tough life however and look down on all the other houses as being soft and weak.

They are brutish barbarians by anyone’s standard, other than their own of course. Violence is their one true love and passion. They revel in the fighting pits and are willing to throw down anyplace, anywhere. Again, maybe this has to do with vat-birthing giants with short lives and bad mental health. But that’s just our theory…

This love for violence and barbarism has not helped their standing with the other houses. They are at constant war with Escher and will pick a fight with anyone else if it suits them. The giants are afraid of no one, even if they should be. They are born into a hard existence and make it even harder with their hard-nosed approach.


Incredible Workers

What do they have going for them you may ask? The leaders of House Goliath own and operate many of Necromunda’s great foundries. They are all masters of metalwork and give the dwarves of old a run for their money on who are the best smiths of all time.

House Goliath believes the most unthinking workers are best. They breed the ingenuity out of them until they are nothing more than robots doing what they are told. It is a huge point of pride to be a great worker or own a batch of such amazing giants. They may be slow, but boy are tough! They keep the whole world moving with their prowess and Necromunda would crumble without them. The minds at House Orlock understand the need for them and trade is rife between the two houses.

That does it for the big slow boys of the Underhive! Think of them as the foundation of a house. It may not be pretty, but it’s necessary.

More on House Goliath