The Bigger The BOOM The Better: Ork Tankbusta Lore

By Tim Roberts | August 18th, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

ork hor walCome and check out some deadly Orks who love nothing better than blowing up vehicles with their bare-ish hands. Let’s learn about the Ork Tankbustas!

These Orks are in a class of their own. Packed with high-grade Orky ordinances they can’t wait to see a Rhino or Landraider rumble across the battlefield. Let’s embrace the Boom!

Via: Lexiacnum


The elation Tankbustas feel has a primal heritage, similar to the thrill a Feral Ork would feel when they killed a rampaging Squiggoth. Orks that fancy this kind of thrill often gather together to form mobs of Tankbustas. Tankbustas. They prove especially adept at destroying enemy vehicles from a distance, enjoy the fame of a big game hunter, and will often attract a retinue of aspirants who have yet to blow up their first tank. A Tankbusta who succeeded in skoring his first confirmed kill enjoys getting ‘tanked up’ after the batttle. That’s a ritual which includes devouring a tank’s crew and drinking engine oil from its smoking remains.

bomb squig

As befits deadly anti-tank infantry, Tankbustas are equipped with Rokkit Launchas and Tankbusta Bombs they attach to enemy vehicles and enjoy the following explosion. Veteran Tankbustas often carry around parts of the vehicles they destroyed or equipment of its drivers as trophies. It’s common for Tankbustas to wear armour fashioned from pieces of a destroyed tank or spot nuts and cogs as crude jewellery. Some Tankbustas utilize unusual equipment ranging from Tankhammers to wreck vehicles in close combat to specially trained Bomb Squigs as a form of walking explosives.

Orks Glyph

Find Out More About The Ork Tankbustas!