The Burning Fires of Chaos: Conversion Corner

chaos space marine

The Chaos Space Marines have some of the craziest vehicles you will ever see. That’s due to the fact that most of them are inhabited by demons!

Check out one sweet mini brought to us by Jon Geiger on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

chaos space marine

 Finally done! This has been a fairly significant undertaking fitting the ludicrous amount of nonsense inside this guy, but it has paid off, prototype successful!

chaos space marine

Meant to be played as a Daemon Prince of Khorne with wings (note the mauler sized jump pack!) This model features 15 LED lights, fiber optic cable, and custom dye tubing. All on a switch with replaceable batteries built in!

chaos space marine

“Power up for smashing!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!