The Coolest of Models: Ta’Unar Spotlight

By Gothmog | July 13th, 2017 | Categories: Painted Figure Showcase, Tau, Warhammer 40k News

eldar robot tau aeldari wal horToday Gothmog is going to be talking about something other than rules. MODELS. That’s right, models, specifically the Ta’Unar.

Rules, new rules, bad rules, rules guesses, and rules wants. Are the words in the air right now, but we’re only getting a tid-bits, and half-truth wish lists being reported as all truths….., so for now lets talk about something else. Models.

Cool Models.

I like building things, usually not to correct specifications. But every once and awhile I find a model I can’t do much to, because they are just really well made. Ta’Unar is one of those models. Outside making him safer and easier to move around I had no intention changing him.

Love him or hate him, this model is fantastic. While I had preferred FW had made a Tau version of a Baneblade, this guy was a great kit. FW definitely wanted create a premium version of a Storm-surge (without a silly driver skylight). It was one of the first FW kits I bought that came with actually useful instructions.

Each part of him had a full instructional booklet using the CAD design files.
The arms had holes designed in for magnetizing.
There were only three things I did which were off script. I put a rod in to connect the chest and the legs so that the model would be easier to pack up, reinforced the base because this sucker was warping the base, and magnetized the back weapon because they hinted at other options.
Simple metal dowel pin and hole.
Grinding wheel I picked up at home depot.
Magnets mostly just secure it, the friction in the assembly holds it there.
Haven’t gotten around to purchasing its Heavy Rail cannon, but it will happen sooner or later.


Sepulchre of Heroes

About the Author: Gothmog

Hobbyist and Gamer since 1999. Blood Angels faithful since the beginning. I am also big into various GW Specialist Games and Historical Wargames. Love the hobby, love the fluff, Grognard for life. @Gotmog_Balrog