The DeamonSlayer STL Bundle From Arma Mechantus is Back!

DeamonSlayer Bundle STLThe new DeamonSlayer STL Bundle From Arma Mechantus is back and will get your three amazing dreads for cheap- check it out!

Didn’t get enough DeamonSlayers the first time around? Good, cause now you can get 3 and save a bunch of cash!  If you want to set your army apart, files like these are perfect! With so many new dreads floating around the world, might as well make yours look better than everyone else’s! These are also now professionally pre-supported, which just makes printing it that much easier.

These files are super awesome and can be used for a ton of different units. There’s an amazing painted Grey Knight version of it below if you need some inspiration!

The DeamonSlayer STL Bundle: $20

DeamonSlayer Bundle STLHe did this once before, but it won’t be around for too long! So if you like any of the files, hop on it soon before it goes away again.

MK IIHere are the specs on this bundle:

All 3 DeamonSlayers kits for the price of 2! This bundle includes all the files for the DeamonSlayer-Knight MKII, the DeamonSlayer-Samurai and the DeamonSlayer-Spartan. All DeamonSlayer kits can be assembled in a wide range of poses and have many weapon and customization options.

Eternus Spartan

Also, all weapons and customization options are modular so you can mix and match between the 3 Deamonslayers! They are perfect as  centerpieces for your tabletop army, as cool display pieces on your desk or even as parts for use in your conversions! 

Eternus samurai 2Model Details:

  • All kits combined contains a total of 262 parts!
  • Fully assembled each DeamonSlayer stands 11cm tall.
  • All files are pre-supported.
  • Unsupported files also included.
  • File type .stl
  • Simple assembly instructions for each DeamonSlayer included.

Painted Knight:

3 Pack Bundle: DeamonSlayer-Knight Printed Miniature Kit


3 Pack Bundle: DeamonSlayer-Knight Printed Miniature KitThis amazing Painted Knight was done by Joe “Papa Behre” Behrend, be sure to follow him on Instagram!

That does it for this stupendous set. Don’t slack for the second time and miss out on this go-around!

Click Here to Get Your DeamonSlayer STLBundle!