The Dragon Warriors: Salamanders By Castle Brush

Salamander FeatureToday we take a look at the level 2-3 Salamanders by Castle Brush. This is a great way to get your army tabletop ready with no effort!

The artistic team at Castle Brush is pumping out some amazing looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. This level of painting is perfect if you want a stunning army on the tabletop but don’t have the time to do it yourself. Sometimes painting the rank and file troopers can be the hardest but they make each one look amazing. With Indomitus being so popular, Space Marines will be seeing the table more than ever, Castle Brush will help yours stand out!

Take a look at one of their latest works of art.

Salamanders By Castle Brush

Salamander full armyThis army looks great on the board! You can definitely tell the difference between this and the level 1-2. If you love Castle Brush, go check out what else they have going on.

Intercessor Squad:

Salamanders Lvl 2-3


Salamanders side


Salamanders backEvery single one of these marines has so much detail on them! You’d be hard-pressed to find another army that looks this good.

Eliminator Squad:

ScoutsThe details on the cloaks really help these marines blend in. The free-hand work here really sets this apart from the level 1-2 paint job.

Converted Squad:

Salamander headsThey will also do conversions for you if you want them to! This is a cool little conversion that really changes the look of the unit.

Suppressor Squad:

Flying SalamandersPerfect when you need that extra bit of flying firepower! So crisp.

Aggressor Squad:

Salamanders magnetizeNot only will they paint and convert for you, but they will also magnetize your minis if you need it! Less work for you.


Salamander TankYou can never have too many guns, that’s for sure! The free-hand on the panel will really make this stand out in the heat of battle.

Hellblaster Squad:

Salamander PlasmasMore plasma, we need more plasma! What a great looking way to blast your opponent off the battlefield!

That does it for the Salamander army today! The amount of effort and time put into each model really makes this a great choice for people who want a great looking army but don’t have the time to do it themselves.

If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

Start Your Next Project With Castle Brush!