The Early Life of The Primarch Angron: LORE

Come and learn of the early years of one of the most deadly and unpredictable Primarchs ever, as we take a look at Angron.

The founder of the World Eaters is as deadly as they come let’s see how Angron got his start.

Via:  Lexicanum


During the Scattering, the boy that would become known as Angron was thrown to the Civilised World of Nuceria, far from Terra. He plummeted into the icy mountains of that planet, and not long after a slaver found him, and a scene of carnage. Surrounding the wounded young Primarch were the corpses of numerous Xenos. Imperial scholars would later theorise that they were Eldar who had foreseen the great bloodshed that Angron would cause and had tried unsuccessfully to stop him.


After being enslaved and nursed back to health by the planet’s ruling masters known as High-Riders, Angron was brought to the planet’s capital called Desh’ea. Still a frightened young child, he was subsequently dumped into a pit consisting of a single ziggurat with hundreds of other slaves. Acid filled the pit, and to the cheers of the spectators Angron was eventually forced to kill all around him into orderto stand upon the ziggurat’s uppermost platform and survive. Shedding a tear for the last time, Angron was proclaimed a promising newcomer to Desh’a’s arena combat and given the name Angron-Thal’kr, which meant C hild of the Mountain and property of House Thal’kr.  After this, Angron became a famed gladiator known as The Unbeaten, becoming a fan-favorite of Desh’ea and reaping many victories.


The closest thing he had to a father during this time was the older Gladiator Oenomaus, but after the duo managed to slay two Berserk Ogryns his masters ordered the two to fight one another to the death. Angron refused, and the High-Riders ordered that he undergo a psycho-surgery known as the Butcher’s Nails as punishment.  Upon being implemented with the Nails, Angron was loosed upon Oenomaus and killed him in a blind frenzy. When Angron regained his senses, the despair of this revelation caused him to unleash a bestial howl for days.

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