The Face of Sixth Edition 40k?

By Rob Baer | June 17th, 2012 | Categories: Sixth Edition., Warhammer 40k News

Is Dark Angels?  Are those Dark Angels?

The picture is certainly dark, but there is definitely a greenish hue to their armor, and the tell tale color of red bolters?

Check up the blown up image below, is that a winged sword shoulder pad icon I see…?

So are Dark Angles the new face of 40k?  Well the White Dwarf will be hitting shelves this week with all the info about the release inside.

Checkout all the info thats been leaked to date below, and be sure to checkout my Sixth Edition musings here.


Just as I hypothesized on Friday, the dating (23.6.2012) was similar to the Necron video last October, which indicated the release date of the next White Dwarf, and start of Advanced Orders.

I know for a fact the new White Dwarf will go on sale Saturday June 23, with a preview and details on the actual release date for Sixth Edition.

And of course Games Workshop’s Advanced orders will also start that day as well.

UPDATE. Apparently GW’s Sixth press release was leaked. The book is rumored to be 440 pages, at cost 45 English Pounds (about $75 USD)

Accompanying it release wise will be a Psyker Card set, Templates, and more!!

Here at Spikey Bits we will also start talking advanced orders that day as well. Plus we’ll be offering a special promo item to everyone who advanced orders with us, as well as 20% off on the price of the book itself!

From there it gets a tricky on the actual date of release.  If the current pattern of Advanced Orders to release dates hold true, we’ll see the actual release the next weekend, June 30th.

Which kinda makes sense because Magic the Gathering has Pre-Releases for M13 across every game shop in the world that next weekend (July 8th).

But there are some out there that hold true to the fact Sixth will release July 28th along with the new starter box and all the bells and whistles that accompany a release of this magnitude.  Interesting fact about that however, US Games Day 2012 is that weekend!!!

Retailers should know for sure late Monday/early Tuesday of next week, what’s happening for sure. So hold on, guys there’s still more to come! -MBG

Guess I’ll have to come up with another fun contest to give some of these things away.

In the mean time checkout my Sixth Edition musings here.