The Hive Mind is Alive – New Tyranids FAQ!

tyranids eternal crusade

Tyranids are the next race to get FAQs from Games Workshop. Come check out the new first draft FAQ and see what has been changed!

Source: Games Workshop (Facebook)

The Tyranids have their turn this week with the latest draft Codex FAQ.
If you’re an Tyranid player, we’d love to get your thoughts.

– Read through these draft FAQs
– If you think any answers need clarification, post up a comment on the relevant image
– Make sure your question is concisely written, and in plain English

Do the answers all make sense? Are they clear? Do they throw up any more potential issues?

You have a week to get your comments in, then we’ll pass them on to the rules guys for the final FAQs.

We’ll be posting more FAQ drafts for feedback over the new few weeks, so if you’re eagerly awaiting the one for your codex, don’t worry, we’re on it.

Finally, we wanted to say thanks again to all of you who sent in your questions – you’re helping to making the game we all love even better.

New Tyranids FAQ: 5 Pages

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tyranids faq

tyranids faq

tyranids faq

tyranids faq

tyranids faq