The Imperial Work Force: Administratum LORE

By Tim Roberts | September 30th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Today we take a look at the Tax Collectors of the Imperium. but that’s not all the Administratum does for the Emporer. Let’s find out more!

The Administratum travels throughout the galaxy doing various deeds for mankind. But they, for the most part, aren’t noticed. Well today they get the spotlight!

Via: Lexicanum

The Administratum was created as the Imperial Administration, and was under the control of Malcador, titled the Chief of the Imperial Administration.


Billions of Administratum officials on Terra and throughout the galaxy are constantly carrying out population censuses, working out tithes, recording and archiving information, and the million other things that are necessary for the running of the Imperium. Such is its immense size and complex bureaucracy that whole Administratum departments have been lost and forgotten. So dogmatically bureaucratic, whole departments of adepts continue to diligently but purposelessly carry out the role their department was founded for, even after the department has become long obsolete.


Of all the Imperium’s divisions, the Administratum is regarded as the least prestigious, but its high ranking members are among the most powerful men in the Imperium. Despite its massive inefficiency, the Administratum is so integral to the running of the Imperium, that without it, the whole Imperium would grind to a halt. As a result, the Master of the Administratum is the most powerful member of the High Lords of Terra. Many Administratum positions are hereditary; parents pass on their ranks and positions to their children, who continue the work that had occupied the lives of their ancestors. Typical Administratum adepts labour within gargantuan vaults, sitting at logic-engines and can be considered learned by Imperial standards.


Like other non-combatant servants of the Adeptus Terra, the members of the Administratum wear a monastic style of dress, their habits varying in colour according to rank and area of responsibility. The basic color for the lowliest scribe is black – higher-ranking members have increasingly lighter shades of grey, and eventually pure white.

While the Administratum as a whole is primarily responsible for all logistical operations relating to the civil aspects of the Imperium, one of its departments, the Departmento Munitorum is responsible for the logistics of the Imperial Guard, organising military tithes, troop movements and troop deployment.

Find Out More About The Administratum!