The Imperium Came to the Wrong Alley: ATC Army Showcase

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Check out this awesome Imperial army that got ambushed by some Orks from the 2019 ATCs! This army has a theme that you’ve never seen before!

The ATC was a huge event that brought players from all across the country under one roof to roll dice. While this was a competitive event, some serious hobby skills were also flexed. Check out this Imperial list that was jumped by some Orks.

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The Imperium Came to the Wrong Alley: ATC Army Showcase

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Coming from hobbyist Aaron Collins, these Imperial Warriors found themselves in the wrong alleyway and were ambushed by Orks. From a Knight stomping on a Buggy to Orks throwing barrels and grenades from above, there’s a lot going on in this display.

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Of course, the Imperials were probably minding their own business on their way to deal with a Cultist incursion when these Orks decided to stir the pot. Check out the Gretchin coming out of the ground on this Armiger base!

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This Knight looks like a plain silver at first. However, when you start to look closer, there’s some serious detail that went into this guy. From symmetrical blue glowing lines to a free0hand shield/banner this Knight is definitely a centerpiece! RIP to the Buggy below.

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This Ork is testing out the new Gretchin delivery system. Loading Gretchin into barrels and flinging them at the enemy is proving to be a great success! just not in terms of damage…

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While the Orks run amuck in this patrol, the blue paint job and edge highlights on each unit are out of this world. (Space pun intended). Great job matching all of your bases with the display board too! That’s always a nice touch.

What do you think about these blue Admech? What does your Mechanicum list look like? Have you modeled an enemy faction onto your display board? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!