The Infiltrate Rule Is Secretly the Best 40k Mechanic

By Wesley Floyd | September 17th, 2019 | Categories: Chaos Daemons, Space Marines, Tau, Warhammer 40k News

infilitration primaris space marines

Looking at some of 40k’s units, there are some mediocre rules that suddenly become phenomenal when put under the ITC scoring. Check out Infiltration!

Whether it’s Nurglings, Stealth Suits, or the latest Primaris goodness, Infiltrate across any faction is insanely useful. Take a look at why it’s secretly the best mechanic for the ITC.

What’s So Hot About Infiltration?

primaris space marine wal

Infiltration is a mechanic (called by other names like Concealed Positions) that lets you deploy outside of your deployment zone and more than 9″ away from enemy units/deployment. You might think “this just means that the unit is going to get eaten alive by Tyranids or Orks sooner” but that’s not the case at all.

First of all, that might be somewhat true, but in the big scheme of things, that cheap throwaway unit like Nurglings/Scouts is acting like a +1 turn speed bump for the enemy. If they have to devote a unit to charge in and kill it, that means that they aren’t covering as much ground as they could if they weren’t there. That being said, Infiltration really takes off when you put it under the lens of the ITC scoring.

Infiltration in the ITC


With other objectives being thrown into the mix like Old School, Behind Enemy Lines, and the Kill One/Hold One that everybody guns for, Infiltration is key. This ability lets you start the game already sitting on an objective AND possibly be in-range of all your weapons.

The hottest Invictor Tactical Warsuit will be able to start the game off with other Primaris buddies bubble wrapping him and having the ability to sling six autocannon shots downrange. Not only can you almost 100% capture a point with this model during the first two rounds of the game, but you also might be able to pop some light armor and secure the turn-one kill point as well.

Nurglings Are OP


In the same vein, Nurglings might lack the firepower of the Warsuit/ Tau Stealth Suits. However, these models are dirt cheap, are extremely resilient, and are easy to hide. If you throw some of these models on an objective, not just any unit will be able to scrape them off. That brings us right back to the point of- these units can score an objective point and act as a speed bump for the rest of your army to react.

For example, if a player decides to throw Death Company into these guys, there’s a good chance the Nurglings will die. However, that also bought you a turn to react and spared you from 30+ chainsword swings and 15+ thunder hammer whacks.

Taking a step back from the individual units, Infiltration is something you always want to bring along. But that doesn’t mean you have to max out your infiltrating units. Even if you decide to bring just one squad of Nurglings (which is what some competitive Daemon lists do) you’ll be able to pay back your points almost immediately.

shadowspear primaris 3 eliminator

Now with the new Marine codex books, snipers are going to be forward deploying as well, looking for those choice shots on characters. Units like Eliminators actually have anti assault mechanics built into their rules to keep them in the game longer even.

What do you think about Infiltration in the ITC? What’s your favorite infiltrating unit? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

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