The Joys of Painting Terrain – Next Level Style!


Is it possible to paint history? Yes, and we’re doing it by painting the weather top terrain set. This kit is super collectible and we’re taking it to the next level.

Thanks to optimus stein we’re going to be able to go over all the ancient techniques in the video.

Step 1. The Base, First we primed it black. Then we primed it grey. Basic, we did this in the other painting tutorials.

Ancient Technique: We’re using mostly air and just a tiny bit of paint for this shading.


Step 2. We’re hitting it with black in the rubble bits. This black is very watered down so we don’t leave harsh lines. We’re hitting the low areas to develop the contrast. Don’t over think it. I’m drawing a line over all the cracks.


Ancient Technique, start with the midtone color and then you add your shaded areas and your highlights to that.


Step 3: We’re going to use Menoth white base and radial highlight each and every single one of these tiles.

Step 4. We’re going to edge highlight around the rest. We want a nice blend of colors AND contrast.

Step 5: Menoth White Highlight, we’re going to add a nice highlight to the very center of each one of the tiles again. We’re also going to edge highlight the edges as well.


Step 6: Now we’re adding some Church, Burnt Umber, one of the BEST colors in the business. We’re going to build up a nice layer of contrast.


Step 7: Back to Menoth White Base and Dry Bursh. Get a big flat dry brush and get the ridges.


Step 8: Menoth White Highlight dry brush. Same thing, but now we’re taking it to the max. We’ve done the work to get everything ready for this dry brush and now it’s really starting to look realistic.


Ancient Technique: I hit it with a satin varnish and it keeps the dry brush from getting too dusty.

Step 9: Everything that we colored brown we’re going to hit with this Orange Brown. Yes, at times we’re going to go over the white; that’s okay, we were pretty much pre-shading to make this color pop.


Ancient Technique: I added a teeny tiny bit of yellow to make it really pop in some spots.

Step 10: Now we’re going to wet blend these bits of rocks and get these bits looking fresh.


Step 11: There’s some fallen trees and we need to paint these fallen trees. P3 Knarls Green, some Necrotite Green, and just do a quick wet blend.


Step 12: Nulin Oil Gloss wash into each every crevice.


If you want to see if happen like magic in front of your eyes I highly suggest you hit link and watch the video.

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