The Jumpening: 2k Blood Angels All Jump Lists

By Gothmog | January 31st, 2018 | Categories: Blood Angels, How To Tutorial, Warhammer 40k News

sanguinary guard

All jumps, all the time! Today we’re going to be getting a look at a very fluffy jump infantry Blood Angels list. This may just make you rethink how you build your next list.

Like I said in my last post about an All Dreadnought list, I really like gimmick lists right now (I mean, who runs 80 Death Riders?) With that in mind, I messed around on Battlescribe and came up with two All Jump Infantry lists. The first one is a little more casual and the second a little more competitive IMO, but both are generally just cool fluffy lists.


What is really nice about these lists is the capitalize on what I think it the most important, but largely unrecognized stat in 8th edition- Movement.

It’s what made those 80 Death Riders surprisingly REALLY GOOD.

commander dante

The Jumpening 1- 2000 points, 5 CP, 14/15 KP, 14 Drops

Vanguard Det- +1  CP
HQ: Lemartes- 129: Warlord: Soulwarden
Elites: Company Ancient- 84: Jump Pack, Powerfist
Elites: Company Champion- 68: Jump Pack, Combat Shield, Bolt Pistol, Master-Crafted Powersword
Elites: Sanguinary Novitiate- 60: Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword
Elites: Death Company (10)- 216: Jump Packs, 9 x Bolter & Chainsword, 1 x Thunderhammer
Fast Attack: Assault Squad (10)- 259: Jump Packs Sarge w/ Inferno Pistol & Power Fist, 2 x Melta gun, 2 x Eviscerators

Vanguard Det- +1 CP
HQ: Commander Dante- 215
HQ: The Sanguinor- 170
Elites: Company Veterans (2)- 56: Jump Packs, Sarge w/ Powerfist & BP, Veteran w/ Plasma Gun & BP
Elites: Sanguinary Ancient- 99: Angelus Boltgun, Power Fist
Elites: Sanguinary Guard (5)- 189: 3 x Encarmine Sword, 2 x Encarmine Axe, 4 x Angelus Boltgun, 1 x Inferno Pistol
Elites: Sanguinary Guard (5)- 185: 4 x Encarmine Sword, 1 x Encarmine Axe, 4 x Angelus Boltgun, 1 x Inferno Pistol
Fast Attack: Inceptor Squad (3)- 135: Assault Bolters
Fast Attack: Inceptor Squad (3)- 135: Assault Bolters

I mean, what is there to say about this. Jump Infantry with Character auras. All the cool toys I could bring. Run at the enemy and punch them hard. Like I said in the opening… casual.

sanguinary guard art

The Jumpening 2- 2000 points, 6 CP, 14 KP, 14 Drops

Supreme Command Det- +1 CP
HQ: Captain- 129: Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer; Warlord: Soul Warden, Relic: The Veritas Vitae
HQ: Captain- 129: Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
HQ: Sanguinary Priest- 87: Chainsword, Hand Flamer, Jump Pack

Vanguard Det- +1 CP
HQ: Astorath the Grim- 143
HQ: Lemartes- 129
Elites: Company Ancient- 73: Hand Flamer, Jump Pack
Elites: Death Company (10)- 261: Jump Packs, 9 x Bolter & Chainsword, 1 x Thunder Hammer
Elites: Death Company (10)- 261: Jump Packs, 9 x Bolter & Chainsword, 1 x Thunder Hammer
Fast Attack: Inceptor Squad (3)- 135: Assault Bolters

Vanguard Det- +1 CP
HQ: The Sanguinor- 170
Elites: Sanguinary Ancient- 99: Powerfist, Angelus Boltgun, Relic: Standard of Sacrifice
Elites: Sanguinary Guard (5)- 185: 4 x Encarmine Sword, 1 x Encarmine Axe, 4 x Angelus Boltgun, 1 x Inferno Pistol
Elites: Sanguinary Guard (4)- 154: 2 x Encarmine Sword, 2 x Encarmine Axe, 3 x Angelus Boltgun, 1 x Inferno Pistol
Fast Attack: Inceptor Squad (3)- 135: Assault Bolters

So this second list is a little more tooled up IMO. Basically its two attack groups, the Death Co and the Sanguinary Guard, each supported by an Ancient, an Inceptor Squad and a Thunder Hammer Jump Captain. Sanguinary Priest goes where ever I think the added S bonus is needed most, though I think it will be most devastating with the Death Company, but playing will really tell me where is best.

chaplain lemartes and death company

One thing to note in both these lists: DEATH CO CAN TAKE BOLTERS AND CHAINSWORDS. ALWAYS DO THIS. Bolt Pistols ONLY pay off after something like 5 or 6 rounds of locked combat. Your DC should never be in combat that long. Or at least, they rarely should. Take the extra range and firepower the bolters provide and remember, you no longer need a pistol to gain the +1 A in combat. Chainsword does that on its own.

About the Author: Gothmog

Hobbyist and Gamer since 1999. Blood Angels faithful since the beginning. I am also big into various GW Specialist Games and Historical Wargames. Love the hobby, love the fluff, Grognard for life. @Gotmog_Balrog