“The Last Laugh” Display Board: White Metal Games Feature

Eldar Harlequins get the last laugh in this custom display board from the highly skilled hobby maniacs at White Metal Games!

The artistic team at White Metal Games are pumping out some amazing looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. Take a look at one of their latest works of art.

“The Last Laugh”


The Craftworld fell aeons ago and most sane Aeldari have written it off as lost to history, but maniacal laughter can be heard echoing through its darkened halls as this Harlequin Screenshot_423

Troupe arrives to perform their Dance for She Who Thirsts and her hedonistic minions that have claimed the world as their own.
Check out finished pics of our Harlequin Kill Team on “The Last Laugh” display board we built for them!


The board was a sort of conceptual splash piece for our recent “The Last Stand of Kher-Ys” Slaanesh-corrupted Eldar Craftworld diorama. It served as a way to test out some concepts we were throwing around on a smaller piece as we built up the big board, as well as test the limits of magnetizing curved surfaces and elevated platforms.


It got topped off with a few SPELLCROW Space Elf bits and texture from a Green Stuff World rolling pin. All around it was a fun and memorable piece for us to conceptualize, build, and paint. 


That is some quality work! If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at White Metal Games today!

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