The LVO 2023 Long War 40k Doubles Players & Armies Were Amazing!

long-war-doubles-2023If you love gaming with a friend, the 2023 LVO Long War 40k Doubles tourney was the place for you to be; check out the action!

With tons of different games, players, and just so much going on, LVO 2023 is super fun, but the doubles tourney might be the most fun, as you get to play with a friend! There were all kinds of players and a ton of awesome armies.

The 2023 Las Vegas Open had players from all over the country stop in and show off their most beautifully painted armies.

The LVO 2023 Long War 40k Doubles Players & Armies Were Amazing!

Here is a quick preview of some of the armies, games, and all the events from the convention itself.  Look for more in-depth features coming soon for each of these hobby masterpieces!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023Here’s Kenny showing off the awesome TLW Tag Team belts you can win by playing in the event!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023The display boards and dioramas were in full force this year!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023


LVO Long War Doubles 2023


LVO Long War Doubles 2023

LVO Long War Doubles 2023You know the Ultramarines are always going to show up for a scrap!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023Project Mayhem always has the hobby heat, and this year was no different!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023There were a ton of awesome armies and players competing in this amazing team tourney. There were some classic pairings, like Orks and more Orks!

LVO Long War Doubles 2023


LVO Long War Doubles 2023


LVO Long War Doubles 2023Everyone was having this much fun, and no one even exaggerated their face for the pictures!

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments, helping to cover the event for them. If any of these features are your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT  Special thanks to FLG for hosting our coverage team to share the event with everyone.

Click on the links below to see the rest of our coverage of LVO 2023

Click Here to Attend the Next FLG Event This Year! 

Did you go to the event? Which doubles army is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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