The Many Faces of the New Warlord Titan

 warlord no shadows
How will you build your Warlord Titan? Come see the myriad of ways one can build the Warlord Titan.

Hobby Maniacs the Battle Buddies were on the scene just a few weeks ago, along with Recalcitrant Daze covering the re-opening of Warhammer World for the internets, and now BB is back with a great spread on the Warlord Titan.  Check it out!
battle buddies
With the Beautiful Warlord Titan due to go on sale this month I want to ask the community a few questions based on what has been showcased so far.
The Head is sold separately from the main Torso. I assume it is to keep the costs down instead of providing both heads. The Torso is apparently £900.
There are two head options and arm pit shield options so far.
1) Gated face with extra armour plates instead of shields.
I do like this option and feel it would be more suitable for certain Legios over others. The extra plates instead of shields make me think it is a more functional design too. That makes me think it is more akin to Legio Metalica, Mortis and the Fire Wasps.
The head seen from the side below does look very interesting.


2) Knightly (Spot the Bonafied legend in the background too).
This strikes me as a Legio Gryphonicus, Legio Presageous etc style design, with the Heraldic shields and Fleur de lys style trim.
It is more aesthetically appealing in my opinion, but mainly for certain Legios.


Or alternatively you can buy all options and magnetise the hell out of it and swap out the banners and treat it as different Titans in the same house colours.
The arm pit plates strike me as slots designed for further eventual upgrades too.
Very cool stuff guys thanks. If you’re not sold on buying one of these bad boys after reading this it will hard to resist now!