The Martians Don’t Stand a Chance: Conversion Corner

mech goodnessWhen you need a mech to take care of things, there is no telling what type of mech you are going to get, could be huge or could just be a walking tank!

Here are the latest conversions from the community, brought to us by John Battlebrush Lander on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Walking tanks away!

Walking tanks

Latest one-off conversion piece from the BattleBrush workbench. A Cutlass class war strider from Heavily converted into a US army machine for ‘All Quiet on the Martian Front’ ruleset. The other two I’ve done for the customer were WW1 battleships on legs, gun turrets, rangefinders, masts, flags, flying bridges, etc. but this one is more of a close combat brawler. Chainsaw arms, or Gatling cannons. Made smokestacks, a rear gantry, then added a boxer-like headpiece, with almost an ‘underbite’ 😁 like a proper bruiser!


Then went a bit crazy, and converted an open shoulder pad, added a crane, ropes, and crew, to show them loading large belts of ammo into the Gatling cannon. I like how this came out and magnetized a lot of options for the customer. All in all, a lot of fun, let my imagination go a bit! And a great customer that encourages all my stupid ideas!


“All quiet over here!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!