The Mr. Potato Head of Flyers? Orky Dakkajet Conversion

By Chris Porche | December 16th, 2015 | Categories: Conversion Corner, Conversions, flyers, Orks, Warhammer 40k News

orky egg conversion

If you loved the old Mr. Potato Head Stompa, then you have to take a closer look at the Orky Egg Dakkajet conversion that’s coming in HOT today!

I’ve always loved Ork conversions and wanted to do some of my own. Hasegawa makes a series of cartoonish ‘Egg Planes’ which inspired my idea. A quick google search for ‘Ork Egg Planes’ will yield some other really great conversions using these planes. I selected the F4-U Corsair with the goal of making my own Dakkajet.

The beautiful checker patterns are decals which came with the model. The inclusion of such orky decals was a fantastic surprise. The only Games Workshop parts in this build can be seen in the following two pictures. The grot head, torso, and the storm bolter were all from my bits box. All the other little details came from my supply of modeling materials.

Ork Dakkajet Egg Plane

Ork Dakkajet Egg Plane Pilot

Ork Dakkajet Egg Plane Pilot

Various other materials were used to add ‘Ork’ detail to the model. All of the wires are solder. The guns were fabricated completely from styrene. The ammo belts are cable ties! The rivets are all microbeads and the weld lines were made with green stuff. The hand holds are florist’s wire.

Ork Dakkajet Egg PLane Guns

The jet was weathered using the salt technique with a follow up with sponging and oil washes.

Ork Dakkajet Egg Plane

I based the model using a standard flyer base. A clear acrylic rod was used to suspend the model above the base. I prefered this over the standard GW flight stand. It is far less obtrusive.

Additional information and WIP details can be found at The Artist of War.