Come see the first peeks of the all the brand new Fall of Cadia miniatures, in person, at the New Year’s Open Day!
Today’s Warhammer Open day is a kick off for 2017’s celebrations of 30 years of Warhammer 40,000. If you missed the list of exclusives that would be available on the day, be sure to checkout out our compilation post.
Hobby hero Garro was on the scene today in Nottingham and posted these pictures on his Facebook Page:
Here’s the good stuff from the video and GW’s own gallery. How do they compare in person?
It’s Official, Plastic Sisters of Battle are coming, sooner that Games Workshop was letting on. Get your wallet ready for an amazing start to 2017 as these models and supplement will start to go on sale (pre-order) starting January 7th 2017:
Checkout all the coverage on exclusives, and more pictures from the Open Event on Spikey Bits Hobbies page!