The New Space Marines Pre-Orders: FIRST LOOK

By Andrew Schrank | October 19th, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warhammer gw store first lookNew models for Space Marines, plus supplements for Imperial Fists and Salamanders. Check out what’s coming up next with a first look!
Imperial Fists and Salamanders are both getting a new supplement. New models are just the beginning as we learned more about the rules for them both throughout the week! Here’s your first look at the new models from Games Workshop!

Primaris Impulsor

primaris impulsor

Impulsor Sprue 2

Impulsor Sprue 1

Primaris Infiltrators



Infiltrator sprue

Imperial Fists Tor Garadon

imperial fist primaris 2


Tor Garadon Sprue

Salamanders Adrax Agatone

salamanders primaris 3


Adrax Agatone sprue

Imperial Fist & Salamanders Upgrade/Transfer Sheets

Imperial fist and salamander transfers

Codex Supplement Imperial Fist & Salamanders

Imperial fist and salamander supplements

Imperial Fist & Salamanders Datacards

Imperial fist and salamander data cards

Are you excited about the updates for either of the two factions? Or maybe you want to get your hands on the new models? Either way, new things on the way for Imperial Fists and Salamanders!

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