The Next Big Thing in Miniature Painting!

I haven’t seen a revolution in miniatures painting like this since the early 2000’s when Vallejo came along an made us all realize that there were better paints out there than just Citadel.

Heck, for me, this even blows away the introduction of washes by GW in early 2007 (Well mostly because I was already making my own washes I guess, but those new washes were still a big deal don’t get me wrong)!

So what the heck am I talking about?  What is so amazing that I had to start with a build up like this?  Well I’ll tell you- Airbrush paints, but not just any airbrush paints… amazing in a bottle airbrush paints.

You see airbrushing, ia a great time saver is great and all, but it has a HUGE learning curve and a steep price tag to get started. Well that’s mostly because of two fundamental things, a good airbrush setup costs at least as much as the army you are trying to paint, and the physics of airbrushing itself.

Most acrylic paints are just not designed to be airbrushed, and that’s the way it is. Sure you can cut them down with rubbing alcohols, Windex, and water, till your blue in the face (literally) but the fact of the matter is that’s a hassle. Plus whether you realize it or not, you’re going to be breathing in all that alcohol or ammonia, and it’s not good for you at all.

Sure, you can (and should) wear a mask when you airbrush, but then you still have the problem of mixing your paint just to get to the point of airbrushing itself And that right there is another problem altogether, as some airbrushes just aren’t meant to push the particles of acrylic paint period.

So now you’ve spent all this money, and take all this time mixing up you paint just to have it clog in the brush time after time because you either don’t have the mix 100% right or the airbrush just wont push that paint no matter what you do, and you just want to rage quit the whole thing.

Stop, you’re probably doing it wrong. There are acrylic paints out there specifically made for airbrushing.

Well now you’re probably thinking; “No $#*& MBG, I know that! Vallejo makes great airbrush paints, they are called Model Air Color! Why are you making me read this article…”

Okay fair enough.  But what if I told you there was something out there, something brand new, something better than Vallejo Air Color IMHO, and that it’s poised to take the miniature painting world by storm?  And that you can get in on it now to be the guy in your gaming group that has the hot painting tech?

Introducing the newest airbrush paints on the market, Minitaire by Badger (and yes they are amazing).

What sets these paints apart from the rest of the airbrush paints on the market? Two things, color selection, and time.

With Minitaire paints, there is absolutely no prep time, just flip the convenient squeeze top, and pour into your airbrush of choice.  No cutting, no thinning, no hassle, as these paints are ready to go straight out of the bottle!

They are 100% waterbased as well so there is very little actual cleaning to be done after each session to the airbrush itself, which is always a plus!  I would also imagine their vapors are not as bad as other airbrush paints either.

Then there is the matter of color, which blows away the competition as well.  You see the problem with the other airbrush paints is for the most part, well they are not for us wargamers.  They are made to paint tanks in German WWII camo patterns, or F-18’s like the Blue Angels, etc.

They aren’t made to paint a Plaugebearer green, or an Imperial Fists army yellow.

Well that is, until now.  Minitaire paints come in 80 amazing colors, all designed for wargames who want to paint things normal wargaming colors like pink or yellow or green for example.

What’s even better is that they were developed by with input from some of the top wargaming airbrush artists out there like Les Bursley (from Awesome Paint Job), and Justin McCoy (from Secret Weapon Minis) just to name a few.

The paint line is broken down into 60 main colors which emulate key Citadel, Reaper, and P3 colors.  Then there are 16 “Ghost Tints” which are basically shades, or candies to change the tint of the work done to a model.

Last, but certainly not least, are three vanishes; Satin, Gloss, and Matte, plus a drying retarder to help achieve some amazing color transitions from both a regular bristle brush and an airbrush.

Best part is, with Minitaire, you get more than triple the amount of a normal pot of Citadel, or Vallejo paint, for about the same price!

But don’t take my word for it, see these paints in action below in my very first airbrushing tutorial video!  I took on an ordinarily difficult project for airbrush paints color wise; painting a Plaguebearer of Nurgle (actual finished product from my tutorial, opposite)!

Be a part of the painting revolution, Minitaire Airbrush Paints have been officially released by Badger, and are instock, ready to ship.  There really hasn’t been an innovation like this since Vallejo hit the market back in the early 2000’s!

Plus to help get everyone get started off right with airbrushing, we have a great sale going on right now on one of the best airbrush and compressor kits on the market, the Badger Krome.

I know this was a lot of information all at once, but the Minitaire paint line is an amazing product that I really believe in.

Be sure to checkout all my other great airbrushing articles as well HERE

I really, sincerely, hope these products, and my tutorials help dissolve some of the mystery and help you learn art of airbrushing. -MBG

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